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Maldi Biotypes Are a Maldi-tof Mass Spectrometer used to Identify Bacteria and Fungi, in Conjunction with Cultivation Tests. Denmark

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Contract Award's Details : Maldi Biotypes Are a Maldi-tof Mass Spectrometer used to Identify Bacteria and Fungi, in Conjunction with Cultivation Tests. REGION OF CAPITAL Property of Client Consultant Agreement - New Church in Ørestad Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Offering of client consultant agreement - New Church in Ørestad Contract No. : 1 REFERENCE NUMBER: 2021 / S 169-442680 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 2500000.00 - DKK Description: The ward council needs a builder advisor in connection with the construction of new church in Ørestad. The client counselor must support the ward council throughout the process, and the developer advisor's services are described in more detail in the client councilor agreement. In recent years, there have been a great increase of citizens in Iceland's built parish, and almost 35,000 citizens live today. Special construction of the district of Ørestad has created a need for a new church in the Ørestad area because Hans Tausen's church cannot meet the need for church service. The congregation council wants to build a new church at Richard Mortensen's way in Ørestad, Copenhagen. The overall economic framework for the establishment of new church in Ørestad is DKK 149,900,000 excl. VAT. 71000000 - Architectural, Construction, Engineering and Inspection Services Authority Type: Regional or Local Authority Type of Procedure: Restricted Procedure REGULATION: EU ... Denmark Contract value : 3,000,000.00 DKK Contractors : USING NORDIC AB 16/08/2021 14/09/2021 01/01/1900 77629611 14/09/2021 HANS TAUSEN'S CHURCH V / ISLANDS BRYGGES SOGNS MENDER COUNCIL Address : Address : Halfdansgade 6 Town : Copenhagen NUTS-Code : DK01 - Hovedstaden Postal Code : 2300 Contact Point : Andreas Østberg Hansen Phone : +45 81270464 Denmark Denmark Contract Awards Denmark 25/08/2021 01/01/1900 2,500,000.00 DKK
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Regulation Construction Architectural Regulation Agriculture Research and Development in the Physical General Freight Trucking Research and Development in the Physical Construction Process
Architectural, engineering and planning services Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Mass spectrometer Architectural, engineering and surveying services Wells construction work Construction work Supports Vats Other services Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders
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Contract Value
2,500,000.00 DKK
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