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Providing Medical Equipment (including Transport, Installation, Commissioning and Testing) for the Implementation of the Project “providing Health Services from Prevention, Detection Programs ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Providing Medical Equipment (including Transport, Installation, Commissioning and Testing) for the Implementation of the Project “providing Health Services from Prevention, Detection Programs ... EMERGENCY COUNTY CLINICAL HOSPITAL SF. APOSTLE ANDREI Providing Medical Equipment (including Transport, Installation, Commissioning and Testing) for the Implementation of the Project “providing Health Services from Prevention, Detection Programs ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Providing medical equipment (including transport, installation, commissioning and testing) for the implementation of the project Providing health services from prevention programs, early detection, diagnosis and early treatment of precancerous colorectal lesions in the South-East Region based on the contract Financing POCU/756/4/9/136941. br Contract No.: 1345 Reference Number: 4301103_2022_Paapd1372462 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 1145998 - Ron Description: The object of the purchase is the supply (including transport, installation, commissioning and testing) to the following equipment: High-Definition video endoscopy system with virtual chromosyndoscopy and compatible accessories, high-definity video colonoloscope, high-definity video colonoloscope with retroversion, endoscopy vacuum cleaner, jet washing pump, automatic washing machine and disinfecting endoscopes, electrocauter with unity. by Plasma Argon, winch and accessories compatible for the implementation of the project “Providing health services from prevention programs, pre ... Romania Contract value : 1,145,998.00 RON Contractors : TEHNO ELECTRO MEDICAL COMPANY S.R.L. 25/01/2023 05/02/2023 01/01/1900 79035253 05/02/2023 EMERGENCY COUNTY CLINICAL HOSPITAL SF. APOSTLE ANDREI Address : Address: no. 145 Town: Constan a Nuts -code: RO223 - Constanta Postal Code: 900591 Contact Point: Bianca Dumitrescu Phone: +40 241503255 Fax: +40 241660473 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 25/01/2023 01/01/1900 1,145,998.00 RON
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Bolt Automotive Parts Turned Product and Screw Machinery Medical Direct Insurance (except Life Direct Life Search Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Medical
Parts of pumps, compressors, engines or motors System, storage and content management software package Argon Medical equipments Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products Nuts Wheels, parts and accessories Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen Pumps System, storage and content management software development services Other services Vacuum cleaners Endoscopy, endosurgery devices Washing machines Postal orders Winches Endoscopes
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Contract Value
1,145,998.00 RON
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