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Frame Agreement 24 Months Maintenance and Support Services for the Sap S/4 Hana Transactional Recording and Registration System Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Frame Agreement 24 Months Maintenance and Support Services for the Sap S/4 Hana Transactional Recording and Registration System STATE INSPECTORATE IN CONSTRUCTION I.S.C Frame Agreement 24 Months Maintenance and Support Services for the Sap S/4 Hana Transactional Recording and Registration System Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Title: 24-month frame agreement Maintenance and support services for the transactional report and registration SAP S/4 Hana Contract No.: 43 Reference Number: 14234699_2022_Paapd1325703 Type contract: Services Estimated Value: 322840 - EUR Description: Contracting Authority-State Inspectorate for Construction-ISC wants to conclude a framework agreement regarding the provision of maintenance services and support for the SAP S/4 Hana transaction system, for a period of 24 months, necessary services Migration from the SAP ECC 6.0 platform, the existing EHP8 version, to the SAP S/4hana platform and to maintain the SAP S/4hana platform in the optimal operating parameters. br The deadline for the limit by which clarifications can be requested for the award documentation: 20 days before the deadline for submission of tenders. br The contracting authority will clearly and completely respond to the clarification requests/additional information in relation to the award documentation up to the 11th day before the deadline set for submitting offers in the hair notice ... Romania Contract value : 322,840.00 EUR Contractors : GENTEC DATA 28/12/2022 27/03/2023 01/01/1900 79177205 27/03/2023 STATE INSPECTORATE IN CONSTRUCTION I.S.C Address : Address: Street: Robescu F. Constantin, no. 23 Town: Bucharest Nuts -code: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 030217 Contact Point: Public Procurement Office Phone: +40 213181700/0213181717 Fax: +40 213181717 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 28/12/2022 01/01/1900 322,840.00 EUR
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Contract Value
322,840.00 EUR
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