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Supply of Liquid Fuels, for the Needs of Mobile Operators' Vehicles Under Subproject 2: hire up to 500 Vehicles and Fuel Supply for Movements of Mobile Workshops. Greece

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Contract Award's Details : Supply of Liquid Fuels, for the Needs of Mobile Operators' Vehicles Under Subproject 2: hire up to 500 Vehicles and Fuel Supply for Movements of Mobile Workshops. NATIONAL AGENCY FOR PUBLIC HEALTH Supply of Liquid Fuels, for the Needs of Mobile Operators' Vehicles Under Subproject 2: hire up to 500 Vehicles and Fuel Supply for Movements of Mobile Workshops. Document Type: CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE TITLE: Supply of liquid fuels, for the needs of mobile operators' vehicles under subproject 2: Hire up to 500 vehicles and fuel supply for moving workshops. Reference Number: 2021 / s 085-219307 CONTRACT TYPE: Supplies Estimated Value: 302419.35 - EUR DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the present is the supply of fuel for the mobile teams of the EDO., Under sub-project 2: Hire up to 500 vehicles and fuel supply for moving workshops, which are operating in 13 Regional modules. 09132100 - Unleaded Petrol 09134100 - Diesel Oil AUTHORITY TYPE: Other Type of Procedure: Negotiated Without a Prior Call For Competition Regulation: European Union, with PARTICIPATION by GPA Countries BID Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Unleaded Petrol DISPATCH DATE: 2021-04-28 Publish Date: 2021-05-03 Greece Contract value : 302,419.35 EUR Contractors : GREEK FUELS MINERAL OIL MONISSOR ANONYMOUS INDUSTRIAL AND TRADING COMPANY 28/04/2021 10/05/2021 See in details 77249199 10/05/2021 NATIONAL AGENCY FOR PUBLIC HEALTH Address : Town: Athens NUTS-CODE: EN301 - North Athens / VoreIos Tomeas Athinon Greece Greece Contract Awards Greece 28/04/2021 See in details 302,419.35 EUR
Regulation Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education Regulation Commercial Agencies Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education
Minerals Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Oil, petrol and air-intake filters Fuels Modules Parts of other vehicles Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Dates
Minerals Fuels Awards Movements High Frequency Radio Set, Mobile Very High Frequency Radio Set, Mobile Supply of fuel Clinical laboratory and toxicology testing systems, components, and supplies Clinical laboratory and toxicology testing systems, components, and supplies
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Oil and Gas Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Petroleum Products
Contract Value
302,419.35 EUR
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