Contract Details

Providing Medical Equipment and Equipment Related to the Investment Objective “extension, Modernization and Equipment and Medical Equipment of the Ambulatory of the Vatra Dorn Hospital ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Providing Medical Equipment and Equipment Related to the Investment Objective “extension, Modernization and Equipment and Medical Equipment of the Ambulatory of the Vatra Dorn Hospital ... VATRA DORNEI MUNICIPALITY Providing Medical Equipment and Equipment Related to the Investment Objective “extension, Modernization and Equipment and Medical Equipment of the Ambulatory of the Vatra Dorn Hospital ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Providing medical equipment and equipment related to the investment objective Extension, modernization and equipment and medical equipment of the Ambulatory of the Vatra Dornei Municipal Hospital Contract No.: 24956/24947/03.10.2023 Reference Number: 7467268/2023/05 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 1988792.10 - Ron Description: The object of the purchase contract consists of the purchase of: - Lot 1: Medical equipment (CPV code 33100000-1 Medical Equipment (Rev.2) Includes 153 articles. The detail is found in the specifications. br - Lot 2: Radiology device (CPV code 33111000-1 radiology appliances (rev.2)) 1. Agfa automatic car, Gevaert FT 29 - 1 pcs 2. FT 30 - 1 pc industrial radiographic movies dryer 3. FT 31 - 10 pcs radiological movies 4. Solutions for developing and fixed FT 32 - 20 pcs 5. FT 160 - 1 pcs radiology device - Lot 3: Imaging equipment (CPV code 33115000-9 Tomography appliances (rev.2)) 1. Computer Tomograph FT 161 - 1 pcs - Lot 4: Computers (CPV code 30141200-1 BI computers ... Romania Contract value : 1,988,792.10 RON Contractors : PROTON IMPEX 2000 S.R.L., S.C. A&B COMPUTERS S.R.L., OVAVINCI, S.C. ANA INVEST & RESEARCH SRL 03/10/2023 19/10/2023 01/01/1900 79984300 19/10/2023 VATRA DORNEI MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: Street: Mihai Eminescu, Nr. 17 Town: Vatra Dornei NUTS-CODE: RO114 - Maramures Postal Code: 725700 Contact Point: Petronela Seserman PHONE: +40 0230375229 Fax: +40 0230375170 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 03/10/2023 01/01/1900 1,988,792.10 RON
Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential Highway Electrical Equipment Machinery Medical Highway Commercial Highway Medical
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Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Solar Photovoltaic PV Energy Postal and Courier Services Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Aviation Marine
Contract Value
1,988,792.10 RON
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