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Checklist for Stationary / Portable Ballot Box; an Act on the Discrepancy Between the Estimated Number of Ballots for the Election of Deputies; Act on the Discrepancy Between the Estimated Number .... Ukraine

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Contract Award's Details : Checklist for Stationary / Portable Ballot Box; an Act on the Discrepancy Between the Estimated Number of Ballots for the Election of Deputies; Act on the Discrepancy Between the Estimated Number .... ZORYANSKA VILLAGE TERRITORIAL ELECTION COMMISSION OF RIVNE DISTRICT OF RIVNE REGION Checklist for Stationary / Portable Ballot Box; an Act on the Discrepancy Between the Estimated Number of Ballots for the Election of Deputies; Act on the Discrepancy Between the Estimated Number .... Title: Checklist for stationary / portable ballot box; An act on the discrepancy between the estimated number of ballots for the election of deputies; Act on discrepancy between the estimated number of ballots for the election of chairmen; Act on redemption of a ballot incorrectly filled in by a voter as unused; Act on exceeding ballots; Act on the discrepancy between the amount of unused ballots and the number of voters; Act on the discrepancy between the number of votes of voters who supported the territorial election; Act on the discrepancy between the number of voters who took part in the voting; Act of destruction / damage of the ballot box; Act on making changes to information posters; Act on making changes to the ballots, Act on the absence of a checklist in the ballot box; An act on the discovery of ballot papers in ballot boxes in excess of the number of ballots; Act on detection of? on the ballot box damage to seals / seals, other damage; Act on detection of a case of illegal voting; Act of detection of a sign of opening a safe (metal sha ... Ukraine Contract value : 127,160.00 UAH Contractors : RYCHKOVSKA OLENA VITALIYIVNA 28/10/2020 10/12/2020 See in details 76939489 10/12/2020 ZORYANSKA VILLAGE TERRITORIAL ELECTION COMMISSION OF RIVNE DISTRICT OF RIVNE REGION Address : Ukraine, 35314, Rivne region, Zorya village, Plyutinsky Vladimir area, house 2 Name: Lyudmila Tarasyuk Phone: +380984591420 Ukraine Ukraine Contract Awards Ukraine 28/10/2020 See in details 127,160.00 UAH
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