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Gas chromatographs France

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Contract Award's Details : Gas chromatographs Institut national de recherche et de sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles (INRS) 1 rue du Morvan, CS 60027 For the attention of: Claude Hamama 54519 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex FRANCE Tele Gas chromatographs Contract award notice: dimensional chromatography equipment in gas phase coupled with a mass spectrometer flight time. The contracting authority was forced to declare unsuccessful the open tender referenced LO.2015.13_GCXGC_MP / CAD (OJEU contract notice 2015 / S 188-340789 of 29.9.2015 annulled the notice 2015 / S 216-393570 of 07.11.2015). A new open tender, based on an updated file restarts for the award of a contract for: 1. The purchase of new equipment for two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GCxGC / TOFMS or GCxGC / Q-TOF), hereinafter referred to as equipment, are included: - Delivery, installation, putting in working order, and the guarantee of the equipment, - User training, 2. The purchase of maintenance services related to the equipment. 3. In connection with the equipment, and as necessary, buying on good command: - Spare parts, - And training benefits. The minimum technical and performance characteristics required are detailed in the special technical clauses (CCTP). Date of contract award: 22.2.2016 France Contract value : See in details Contractors : MARKES INTERNATIONAL LTD See in details 25/02/2016 25/05/2016 8391063 25/02/2016 Institut national de recherche et de sécurité pour la prévention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionnelles (INRS) 1 rue du Morvan, CS 60027 For the attention of: Claude Hamama 54519 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex FRANCE Tele Address : France France Contract Awards France 63594-2016 See in details 25/05/2016 See in details
Regulation and Administration of Communications Machinery Regulation and Administration of Communications International
Gases Mass spectrometer Training, workout or aerobic services Command, control, communication systems Command, control, communication and computer systems Other services Dates Chromatographs
Europe Western Europe
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