Contract Details

Cadastre and Topography Services Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Cadastre and Topography Services PLOIESTI MUNICIPALITY Cadastre and Topography Services Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Cadastre and Topography Services Contract No.: 22210 Reference Number: 2020 - II. br Type contract: Services Estimated Value: 2558840 - RON Description: The provision of cadastral and topography services is purchased, according to the requirements of the specifications, the object of the subsequent contracts that will be concluded on the basis of the framework agreement being the realization of the cadastral and topographic documentation necessary for the registration in the land book of the property right on the immovable property ( land and buildings) which are included in the inventory of goods that make up the public and private domain of Ploiesti municipality or to be included in the patrimony of Ploiesti municipality according to some decisions of the Local Council or other normative acts in force and for the goods held by the municipality of Ploiesti and under other forms than that of property, when carrying out other cadastral operations, including those necessary to perform the expropriations for the public utility cause provided by the legislation in force, as well as the accomplishment of the other technical operations necessary for the good management and values ... Romania Contract value : 2,558,840.00 RON Contractors : INTERGROUP ENGINEERING S.R.L., TOPO H.A.N.S. IMPEX 30/06/2023 08/07/2023 01/01/1900 79525352 08/07/2023 PLOIESTI MUNICIPALITY Address : Address: Street: PTA Heroes, nr. 1a Town: Ploiesti NUTS-CODE: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 100316 Contact Point: Public Acquisition Service, Contracts - Adina Britea, Deputy Executive Director Phone: +40 244516699/114/303 Fax: +40 244510736 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 30/06/2023 01/01/1900 2,558,840.00 RON
Justice Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Regulation and Administration of Communications Justice Highway Architectural Other Justice Highway Book Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Newspaper Executive Regulation and Administration of Communications Executive Highway Book Research and Development in the Physical Sporting Goods General Freight Trucking Management Other Justice Research and Development in the Physical
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Contract Value
2,558,840.00 RON
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