Contract Details

Establishment and Operation of Charging Stations for Samsø Municipality Denmark

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Contract Award's Details : Establishment and Operation of Charging Stations for Samsø Municipality COMMON PURCHASE MID 50.86 Cars Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: 50.86 Cars Contract No. : 50.86 Reference Number: 50.86 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 470000000 - DKK Description: SKI provides a dynamic shopping system (50.86 cars) that includes the following categories: 1. Passenger cars 2. Work cars 3. Other vehicles 4. Operational Leasing (of vehicles covered by Category 1-3) 34100000 - Motor Vehicles 34110000 - Passenger Cars 34120000 - Motor Vehicles for the Transport of 10 Or More Person 34130000 - Motor Vehicles for the Transport of Goods 34300000 - Parts and Accessories for Vehicles and Their Engines 34400000 - Motorcycles, Bicycles and Sidecars 34900000 - MISCELLANEOUS TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT AND SAVE PARTS 34200000 - Vehicle Bodies, Trailers or Semi -Trailers 66110000 - Banking Services Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of Procedure: Restricted Procedure Regulation: European Union, with Participation by GPA Countries Bite Type: Not Applicable DOC Title: Motor Vehicles Dispatch Date: 2023-04-03 Publish Date: 2023-04-07 Denmark Contract value : 330,000.00 DKK Contractors : EV INFRA DENMARK APS, CLEVER A/S 07/02/2023 12/03/2023 01/01/1900 79210452 09/04/2023 THE STATE AND MUNICIPAL PURCHASING SERVICE A/S Address : Address: Package Road 6 Town: Valby NUTS CODE: DK - Denmark Postal Code: 2500 Contact Point: Henrik Østergaard Phone: +45 51717649 Denmark Denmark Contract Awards Denmark 24/02/2023 01/01/1900 470,000,000.00 DKK
Motorcycle Motorcycle Justice Bolt Regulation Industrial Truck Motorcycle Justice Automotive Parts Turned Product and Screw Other Justice Machinery Regulation Engine Other Justice Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Engine
Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... System, storage and content management software package Trailers Nuts Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns Wheels, parts and accessories Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Passenger cars System, storage and content management software development services Motors Bicycles Trailers, semi-trailers and mobile containers Parts of other vehicles Other services Skis Postal orders Dates Other passenger cars
Europe Northern Europe Western Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Banking-Finance-Insurance Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Transportation Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Sports and Leisure Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
470,000,000.00 DKK
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