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Recording Equipment For The Laparoscopic Tower (czech Republic-prague: Recording Systems And Exploration Devices) Czech Republic

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Contract Award's Details : Recording Equipment For The Laparoscopic Tower (czech Republic-prague: Recording Systems And Exploration Devices) Všeobecná Fakultní Nemocnice V Praze 00064165 U Nemocnice 499/2 Praha 2 128 00 Czech Republic Contact Person: Mgr. Katerina Míková Tel: +420 224963085 E-Mail: Katerina.Mikova@Vfn.Cz Ensuring Project Documentation For The D2 Wings Reconstruction (czech Republic-príbram: Architectural, Construction, Engineering And Inspection Services) Contract award notice: : ensuring project documentation for the d2 wings reconstruction the subject of the public contract will be the preparation of the project documentation for the complete reconstruction of the wings of the d 2 and n monoblock building of the pribram district hospital in its premises at gen. Tesaríka 80, 261 01 príbram, Czech republic, Incl. Superstructures of the medical workrooms in the 6th floor and the extension of the vertical communication verticals. The combined complex of the two objects will provide facilities for the remaining bed capacity of the surgical disciplines (surgery, Orthopedics, Urology and ent) and for the modern children~s department with the link to the relevant outpatient facilities. An integral part of this phase would be the modification of adjacent roads and parking areas. Initial estimated total value of the contract: /lot 9 472 000.00 czktotal value of the contract/lot 9 880 000.00 czkv.2.5)information about subcontractingthe contract is likely to be subcontractedvalue or proportion likely to be subcontracted to third partiesproportion 10 %short description of the part of the contract to be subcontracted nprojektová dokumentace zdravotnické technologie nsection vi complementary information number of tenders received: 2 main activity:-health Czech Republic Contract value : 171,870.00 CZK Contractors : OLYMPUS CZECH GROUP, SRO, MEMBER OF THE GROUP See in details 22/12/2018 22/03/2019 12094656 22/12/2018 Oblastní Nemocnice Príbram, A.S. 27085031 Gen. R. Tesaríka 80 Príbram 261 01 Czech Republic Contact Person: Jaroslav Schovanec Tel: +420 318641102 E-Mail: Investicni.Odbor@Onp.Cz Fax: +420 318641007 Address : Czech Republic Czech Republic Contract Awards Czech Republic 570705-2018 See in details 22/03/2019 See in details
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