Contract Details
(refuse Transport Services) Greece
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Contract Award's Details : (refuse Transport Services) Dimos Faistoy Parodos 25is Martioy 1 Contact point(s): Dimarcheio Faistoy 25is Martioy 1, T.K. 704 00, Moires For the attention of: Maria Sabbaki 704 00 Moires Greece Telephone: +30 2892340227 Fax: +30 2892340234 E-mail: prog (refuse Transport Services) Contract award notice: ?etaf??? ap????µµ?t?? t?? ??µ?? Fa?st?? st? ???? ??a??e??? st??? ???a Ga?????? ??a t? ?t?? 2017. ? ??????? d????e?a t?? s?µßas?? ?a e??a? ??a 1 ?t??. Se pe??pt?s? p?? de? e?a?t?????? ?? s?µßat???? p?s?t?te? se ??a ?t?? ap? t?? ?p???af? t?? s?µßas?? ? ??µ?? ??e? d??a??µa ???????? pa??tas?? t?? s?µßas?? ??a 2 µ??e? µe ap?fas? t?? ??µ?t???? S?µß??????, ????? ?a µetaß???e? ? s?µßat??? p?s?t?ta. ??? µet? t?? ?p???af? t?? s?µßas??, sta p?a?s?a ???p???s?? t?? ?e??fe?e?a??? S?ed?asµ?? ??a?e???s?? ?p????µµ?t?? ???t?? d??e? ??s? ??a t?? d?a?e???s? t?? ap????µµ?t?? t?? ??µ?? Fa?st?? ? ?p??a ?a µ?? p???p???te? t?? µetaf??? t??? st? ?.?.?.?. ???a Ga?????, ? s?µßas? p?? ?a p?????e? ap? t?? pa???ta d?a????sµ? ?a ???e? ????? t?? ?ataß??? ap???µ??s?? st?? a??d???. ? f??t?s? t?? ap????µµ?t?? ?a ???eta? ap? t??? d?? sta?µ??? µetaf??t?s?? p?? ß??s???ta? st?? ?.?. ?a??? ?a? ?????? ? ap? ?p???d?p?te ???? s?µe?? ?p?de??e? ? ??µ?? ?a? e??a? te????? ef??t?. ?p?s?? sta p?a?s?a t?? ?a?a??sµ?? t?? S?? ??µpa????, ? ?p???? ??e? pa?se? ?a ?e?t????e? ???st???, ?a pa?a??f???? ?a? ?a µetafe????? st?? ???? ap????µµata ta ?p??a ????? s???e?t???e? st? ???? ap? a??a??et? e?ap??es?. ?? Sta?µ?? µetaf??t?s?? ap? t??? ?p????? ?a pa?a?aµß????ta? ap????µµata e??a?: — S?? ?????? ? ?p????, ???? t?? µe?????? t?? ?a? t?? ?e?t??ßa???? ??????t?s?? t?? d??eta? t?? ????? ???? t?? ap????µµ?t?? t?? ??µ??. ??t?µ?ta? ?t? t? 2017 ?a µetaf??t????? st? ???? a?t? pe??p?? 11.000 tn ap????µµ?t??. — S?? ?a??? ? ?p???? ????? t?? µ????? t?? µe?????? ?a? t?? µ? ?e?t??ßa???? ??????t?s?? t?? ?e?t????e? ?? ß????t???? Sta?µ??. ??t?µ?ta? ?t? t? 2017 ?a s???e?t??se? pe??p?? 2.500 tn ap????µµ?t??. — S?? ??µpa???? ? ?p???? ??e? ??e?se? ???st???, ?st?s? st? ???? ??e? s???e?t???e? s?µa?t???? ????? ap????µµ?t?? ap? a??a??et? e?ap??es?. ??t?µ?ta? ?t? ap? t? t??? S?? ??µpa???? ?a ap?µa???????? ?a? ?a ?d??????? st?? ???? pe??p?? 500 tn ap????µµ?t??. ? ap???µ?d? t?? ap????µµ?t?? p?a?µat?p??e?ta? µe e??p??sµ? ?a? p??s?p??? t?? ??µ?? 6 ?µ??e? t?? eßd?µ?da (p??? ????a???), ?e???? st?? 3:00 pµ. ?a? ?????????eta? pe??p?? st?? 9:00 pµ. G?a t? s??p? a?t? ? ??µ?? d?a??te? 5 ap????µµat?f??a t?p?? p??sa?. ?? pe??e??µe?? t?? ap????µµat?f???? ?a µetaf??t??eta? se a?t?s?µp?e??µe?a containers ?a? ?a µetaf??eta? st? ???? ???a Ga????? ? ?p???? ß??s?eta? se ap?stas? 80 km pe??p?? ap? t?? ??µ?. G?a t?? ?????? t?? a?a???? µetaf??t?s?? ?a? µetaf???? t?? ap????µµ?t?? p?? s???e?t?????ta? st?? S?? ?????? ?a p??pe? ?a d?at??e?ta? ?a??µe???? 2 ??e?st? a?t?s?µp?e??µe?a containers ????t???t?ta? 60 m³ t? ?a?? ??a e?? st?? S?? ?a??? ?a p??pe? ?a d?at??eta? 1 ??e?st? a?t?s?µp?e??µe?? container t?? ?d??? ?a?a?t???st????. ?a a?t?s?µp?e??µe?a containers ?a t?p??et???ta? ?ata?????? st?? ??µpa e?f??t?s?? t?? sta?µ?? ??a ?a pa?a?aµß????? t? f??t?? t?? ap????µµat?f???? ?a? t?? ?d??t?? p?? µetaf????? ap????µµata st??? S?? µe ?d??t??? µ?sa Greece Contract value : See in details Contractors : ???????S ?. ?O?S???????S See in details 12/08/2017 12/11/2017 8730613 12/08/2017 Dimos Faistoy Parodos 25is Martioy 1 Contact point(s): Dimarcheio Faistoy 25is Martioy 1, T.K. 704 00, Moires For the attention of: Maria Sabbaki 704 00 Moires Greece Telephone: +30 2892340227 Fax: +30 2892340234 E-mail: prog Address : Greece Greece Contract Awards Greece 320996-2017 See in details 12/11/2017 See in details
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