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Framework Agreement Lot 1. Carbuovers Deliverable on Electronic Credit Cards Lot 2. Diesel Euro 5 Bulk Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Framework Agreement Lot 1. Carbuovers Deliverable on Electronic Credit Cards Lot 2. Diesel Euro 5 Bulk NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION ROMANIAN WATER WATER ADMINISTRATION CRISURI Framework Agreement Lot 1. Carbuovers Deliverable on Electronic Credit Cards Lot 2. Diesel Euro 5 Bulk Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Framework Agreement Lot 1. Auto carburals deliverable on electronic credit cards Lot 2. diesel EURO 5 BRIP Contract No.: Framework agreement no. 6583/18.04.2022 Reference Number: 23782674_2022_Paapd1343375 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 6288000 - Ron Description: Framework agreement for 48 months, with a single economic agent, for each batch, without resuming the competition Lot 1. Carburant carburals deliverable on Electronic Credit Cards - EURO 5 diesel: minimum 320000 liters; maximum 800000 liters; br - gasoline without PB, CO minimum 95: minimum 80000 liters; maximum 160000 liters; br Quantities to buy a) estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that could be requested throughout the entire framework agreement: - EURO 5 diesel: minimum 320000 liters; maximum 800000 liters; br - gasoline without PB, CO minimum 95: minimum 80000 liters; maximum 160000 liters; br Estimated value of framework agreement without VAT, lot 1- minimum 2,520,000 lei; Maximum 6,048,000 lei. br b) estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that could be the subject of a single subsequent contract between the car ... Romania Contract value : 6,288,000.00 RON Contractors : S.C. OMV PETROM MARKETING S.R.L. 18/04/2022 14/05/2022 01/01/1900 78325756 14/05/2022 NATIONAL ADMINISTRATION ROMANIAN WATER WATER ADMINISTRATION CRISURI Address : Address: Street: Bogdan Ion, no. 35 Town: Oradea Nuts -code: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 410125 Contact Point: Gheorghe Stanciu Phone: +40 0259442033 Fax: +40 0259444237 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 18/04/2022 01/01/1900 6,288,000.00 RON
Bolt Highway Turned Product and Screw Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Highway Highway Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Water
Nuts Credit cards Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Vats Administration, defence and social security services Postal orders Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Law and Legal Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Petroleum Products Electronics
Contract Value
6,288,000.00 RON
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