Contract Details

Purchase of Foods to the Tiszalöki Obvi Hungary

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Contract Award's Details : Purchase of Foods to the Tiszalöki Obvi TISZALÖKI NATIONAL BV. INSTITUTE Purchase of Foods to the Tiszalöki Obvi Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Purchase of Foods for Tiszalöki Obvi Contract No.: 1 Reference Number: EKR000984182021 CONTRACT TYPE: Supplies Estimated Value: 188000000.00 - HUF Description: Procurement of food products for the Tiszalök OBVI within the framework contract for 6 months, 8 partly as follows: Part 1: Meat and meat products Net 48 000 000, - Ft up to the amount of the total amount; Part 2: MIRELIT products Net 7 000 000, - Ft up to the amount of the total amount; Part 3: Cooled vegetable net of 6 000 000, - Ft up to the amount of the total amount; Part 4: Baking products up to 25 000 000, - Ft up to the amount of the total amount; Part 5: dry-type net of 74 000 000, - Ft up to the amount of the total amount; Part 6: milk and dairy products up to HUF 11,000,000; Part 7: Eggs up to HUF 2,000,000; 8.rész: Vegetables, fruits net 26 million, - Ft subject to a ceiling. The detailed technical description and quantitative requirements and the expected frequency of individual orders are included in the public procurement documentation. The quantities included in the commercial price table are planned quantities that are compared to the offers ... Hungary Contract value : 188,000,000.00 HUF Contractors : JÁNOS GULYÁS AND JÁNOS KFT, BELOVECZ AND HIS PARTNER MEAT AND BUTTERY PRODUCTS COMMERCIAL LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, TISZAVASVÁR-BAKOZEMO KFT., SEM-KER KERESKELVÁR KFT., FRUIT ISLAND LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 07/12/2021 23/12/2021 01/01/1900 77958436 23/12/2021 TISZALÖKI NATIONAL BV. INSTITUTE Address : Address: Kossuth L út 124 Town: Tiszalök NUTS-CODE: HU323 - Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Postal Code: 4450 CONTACT POINT: Erzsébet Verebeli Phone: +36 13018212 Fax: +36 13018212 Hungary Hungary Contract Awards Hungary 07/12/2021 01/01/1900 188,000,000.00 HUF
Justice Justice Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential Other Justice Commercial Other Justice
Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar Vegetables Eggs Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Meat Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Tables Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts Fruit, vegetables and related products Milk Vegetables, fruits and nuts Postal orders Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
188,000,000.00 HUF
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