Contract Details

Performing Nature Supervision over the Implementation of the Task Entitled: repair of the Threshold Attaching the Lower Position in Wloclawek Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Performing Nature Supervision over the Implementation of the Task Entitled: repair of the Threshold Attaching the Lower Position in Wloclawek POLISH WATER FARM POLISH Performing Nature Supervision over the Implementation of the Task Entitled: repair of the Threshold Attaching the Lower Position in Wloclawek Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Performing nature supervision over the implementation of the task entitled: Repair of the threshold attaching the lower water level in Wloclawek Reference number: WA.RZ.2810.129.2022/Zwll Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 1514100.00 - PLN Description: The subject of the order is to perform nature supervision in the implementation of the task entitled: Repair of the threshold connecting the lower water rank in Wloclawek, consisting in protecting against the progressive erosion of the building in question, located at km 675,356 below 500m below the axis of the water degree, in the city of Wloclawek, to restore technical efficiency. 79421100 - Project -Supervision Services Other than for Construction Work Authority Type: Other Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union Bid Type: Not Applicable DOC TITLE: Project-Supervision Services Other than for Construction Work Dispatch Date: 2023-03-02 Publish Date: 2023-03-07 Poland Contract value : 1,514,100.00 PLN Contractors : LABORATORY OF NATURE RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS 01/02/2023 09/03/2023 01/01/1900 79126565 09/03/2023 POLISH WATER FARM POLISH Address : Address: ul. Iron 59A Town: Warsaw NUTS-CODE: PL9 - Macroregion Masovian Voivodeship Postal Code: 00-848 Contact Point: Monika Lukaszewicz Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 01/02/2023 01/01/1900 1,514,100.00 PLN
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Contract Value
1,514,100.00 PLN
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