Contract Details

4x4 Cars - 4 Pcs. (lot 1 -1 Pc., Lot 2 -1 Pc., Lot 3 -2 Pcs) -drdp -constanta Romania

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Contract Award's Details : 4x4 Cars - 4 Pcs. (lot 1 -1 Pc., Lot 2 -1 Pc., Lot 3 -2 Pcs) -drdp -constanta THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. 4x4 Cars - 4 Pcs. (lot 1 -1 Pc., Lot 2 -1 Pc., Lot 3 -2 Pcs) -drdp -constanta Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: 4x4 cars - 4 pcs. (Lot 1 -1 pc., Lot 2 -1 pc., Lot 3 -2 pcs) -DRDP -Constanta Contract No.: 11/7100 Reference Number: 16054368/2022/4328/S8 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 833000 - Ron Description: 4 pcs utility vehicle, according to the technical requirements registered in the specifications. The purchase of the vehicles is divided into 3 lots, lot 1 -1 pc., Lot 2-1 pcs. and lot 3-2 pcs. br A) number of days up to which clarifications can be requested before the deadline for submitting tenders/candidates: 20 days. br B) according to the obligation provided in art.160 paragraph 2 of Law 98/2016, amended and completed, the contracting authority will answer clearly and concretely to all the clarifications requests on the 4th day before the deadline established for submitting offers. Any clarification request sent after the date mentioned in point a) will put the contracting authority unable to provide an answer within the term mentioned in point b) and as a result any request for clarification within the mentioned terms will be considered late. br br 34144000 - S ... Romania Contract value : 833,000.00 RON Contractors : RMB INTER AUTO SRL 09/02/2023 15/02/2023 01/01/1900 79071274 15/02/2023 THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. Address : Address: Nr. 38 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 010873 Contact Point: Directorate of public procurement Department of procurement state budget and own income in the attention: Mrs. BARBULESCU IOANA SILVIA - SEF DEPARTMENT Acquisitions State Budget and Own Revenue Phone: +40 212643312 Fax: +40 212643417 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 09/02/2023 01/01/1900 833,000.00 RON
Justice Regulation and Administration of Communications Justice Other Justice Regulation and Administration of Communications Management Other Justice
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Parts of other vehicles Postal orders Dates
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Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Law and Legal Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation
Contract Value
833,000.00 RON
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