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Online media literacy interventions for people with mental health challenges or disabilities United Kingdom

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Contract Award's Details : Online media literacy interventions for people with mental health challenges or disabilities OFCOM Online media literacy interventions for people with mental health challenges or disabilities The estimated contract value is up to c.£50,000 each there is no minimum contract value. Ofcom anticipate awarding multiple contracts as part of this ITQ process. The number of contracts awarded is at Ofcom's sole discretion. Ofcom has duties to promote media literacy and will soon become the regulator with responsibility for online safety. Our programme for delivering our media literacy duties and preparing for upcoming online safety duties includes building an evidence base about what works when delivering media literacy initiatives which promote online safety, in particular for vulnerable groups which are currently underserved by the media literacy sector. Through this commissioning process we will commission and evaluate online media literacy intervention pilots in order to develop this evidence base and to share good practice within the sector. An expectation of commissioned organisations is that aspects of your evaluation and learning will be shared widely. We know that online media literacy levels are uneven across the UK and that some communities are significantly underserved by current interventions. The focus of this commission is people with mental health challenges or disabilities. We are looking for targeted, local interventions that help to develop the online safety of people in these communities. This is might include one or more of the following, but is not limited to: - Increased ability to identify and report harmful content - Improved awareness of misinformation and disinformation - Developing resilience to online scams and fraud United Kingdom Contract value : 156,236.00 GBP Contractors : The Royal Mencap Society, AbilityNet, The Brain Charity 18/11/2022 13/03/2023 06/02/2024 79139006 13/03/2023 OFCOM Address : Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road SE1 9HA, London Hayley Watson United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom tender_317355/1191103 18/11/2022 06/02/2024 156,236.00 GBP
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Contract Value
156,236.00 GBP
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