Contract Details

Instrumentation - Off-road Equipment Slovakia

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Contract Award's Details : Instrumentation - Off-road Equipment Štátny Geologický Ústav Dionýza Štúra Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:31753604 Mlynská Dolina 1, 81704 Bratislava - Mestská Cast Staré Mesto Kód Nuts:Sk010 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Ing. Marta Gandžalová Janceková Telefón:+421 2593 Instrumentation - Off-road Equipment Notice of Contract Award: Instrumentation for the needs of the project hydrogeological survey of deficient areas of the slovak republic The subject of the contract is the supply of special equipment in the framework of the planned project hydrogeological survey of deficit areas of the slovak republic funded by the operational program quality of the environment. The subject of the contract consists of the supply of special equipment for the purposes of the project in question, As specified by the contracting authority and in the required amount for the individual parts of the contract. Instrument equipment will be delivered to the premises of the state geological institute in bratislava according to the requirements stated in these tender documents (in particular in part b.1 description of the subject of the contract, Part b. 2 way of price determination, As well as part b.3 business terms of delivery of the subject of the contract ) or to selected hydrological wells in the regions of rimavská sobota, Revúca and rožnava, Which will be specified in the subcontract by the contracting authority. A more detailed specification of the subject of the contract is contained in the tender documents, Including the required quantities of individual items that form the subject of the individual parts of the contract. Date of contract award: 03.12.2018 estimated total value of the contract / parts: 302 331,27 euros without vat number of bids received: 2 Slovakia Contract value : 302,331.00 SKK Contractors : ECOTEST SPOL. S R. O. See in details 08/12/2018 03/03/2019 12031714 08/12/2018 Štátny Geologický Ústav Dionýza Štúra Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:31753604 Mlynská Dolina 1, 81704 Bratislava - Mestská Cast Staré Mesto Kód Nuts:Sk010 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Ing. Marta Gandžalová Janceková Telefón:+421 2593 Address : Slovakia Slovakia Contract Awards Slovakia 04/2018 See in details 03/03/2019 302,331.00 SKK
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Contract Value
302,331.00 SKK
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