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Delivery of technological equipment for data centers in the municipality of Republic under contract ? 11/321/01644 of 12.14.2013 on the following lots: Lot 1: Supply of technological equipment for dat Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Delivery of technological equipment for data centers in the municipality of Republic under contract ? 11/321/01644 of 12.14.2013 on the following lots: Lot 1: Supply of technological equipment for dat Obshtina Teteven pl. Sava Mladenov No. 9 Contact point (s): Obshtina Teteven / delovodstvo For the attention of: inzh. Mariyan Aleksiev 5700 Teteven BULGARIA Telephone: +359 678522 Fax: +359 67852588 Internet address ( Provide services related to the implementation of measures for information and publicity in a project BG161RO001-1.2.01-0001 Energy renovation of Bulgarian homes scheme BG161PO001 / 1.2-01 / 2011 S Contract award: Provide services related to the implementation of measures for information and publicity in a project BG161RO001-1.2.01-0001 Energy renovation of Bulgarian homes scheme BG161PO001 / 1.2-01 / 2011 Support for energy efficiency in multifamily buildings Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013 in two (2) lots. This procurement is subject to the provision of services related to the implementation of measures for information and publicity. In particular services participant who is appointed as Contractor will need to provide within the overall project Energy renovation of Bulgarian homes includes the provision of: Lot ? 1: - Billboard - estimated quantity of 300 pcs .; - Permanent explanatory plaques (1 (a) of each item) - estimated quantity of 300 pcs .; - Banner - 1 pc .; Lot ? 2 - reserved for specialized enterprises and cooperatives of people with disabilities and their associations, according to Art. 16d of the PPA: - Brochures - estimated quantity of 4000 pieces. Date of contract award decision: 21.7.2015 Total final value of contract(s)Value: 50 080 BGN Excluding VAT (NOTE: Other contractors detail is available in attached document) Bulgaria Contract value : See in details Contractors : OCAC TEHKONSULT REPUBLIC, UIC 176911537 , See in details 11/09/2015 05/12/2015 9939215 11/09/2015 Ministerstvo na regionalnoto razvitie i blagoustroystvoto ul. Sv. Sv. Kiril Metodiy No. 17-19 Contact point (s): direktsiya Obshtestveni porachki For the attention of: Marieta Dimitrova 1000 Sofiya BULGARIA Telephone: +359 294 Address : Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 315417-2015 See in details 08/12/2015 See in details
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