Contract Details

Delivery and Installation of Ict Infrastructure As Part of the Project Entitled introduction of Modern E-services in Health Care Entities (...) Parts: 1-2; Progress Mark. Zzp-186/20 Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Delivery and Installation of Ict Infrastructure As Part of the Project Entitled introduction of Modern E-services in Health Care Entities (...) Parts: 1-2; Progress Mark. Zzp-186/20 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AT THE MINISTER OF HEALTH Extension of the Ultra-high Vacuum Measuring Station in the Laboratory of Electron Spectroscopy and Functional Materials. Case Designation: Ia1 / D / 20/121 / Eo Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Extension of the ultrahigh vacuum test stand at the Laboratory of Electron Spectroscopy and Functional Materials. Case reference: IA1 / D / 20/121 / EO Reference Number: IA1 / D / 20/121 / EO Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 2355385.37 - PLN Description: 1. The subject of the contract is the expansion of the multi-chamber ultra-high vacuum technological and measurement system (PREVAC 502). The extension of the base system includes three separate parts - the subject of the contract is divided into three parts: - lot 1: 1) X-ray beam monochromator system with instrumentation; 2) ultra-high vacuum chamber system for microscopy and preparation with instrumentation, - lot 2: atomic force and tunnel current scanning microscope system, - lot 3: UHV electron microscope system. 2. CPV: Control and research apparatus. 3. Contract performance time: up to 7 months from the date of the contract. 4. The awarding entity provides for a one-time advance payment after the conclusion of the contract, for the performance of the contract, in the amount of 20% of the contract price. Full ... Poland Contract value : 879,500.00 PLN Contractors : NEXUS POLSKA SP. Z O.O., NEXUS POLSKA SP. Z O.O. 15/02/2021 27/02/2021 See in details 77126854 27/02/2021 THE SILESIAN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Address : Address: Ul. Akademicka 2A Town: Gliwice NUTS-Code: PL91 - Warsaw Capital City Postal Code: 44-100 PLN Contact Point: Ewa Ochman, Silesian University of Technology, Department of Public Procurement and Supply, 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Konarskiego 18, room. 511 Phone: +48 322371334/322371335 Fax: +48 322371171/322372194 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 09/02/2021 See in details 2,355,385.37 PLN
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Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) System, storage and content management software package Control, safety, signalling and light equipment Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways Electron microscopes Tunnelling works Research, testing and scientific technical simulator Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways Command, control, communication systems Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations Command, control, communication and computer systems System, storage and content management software development services Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting Microscopes Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads Beams Postal orders Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports Dates
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Contract Value
2,355,385.37 PLN
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