Contract Details

Comprehensive Purchase of Electricity and the Provision of Electricity Distribution Services for the Hospital, a Baptism Monument of Poland in Gniezno Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Comprehensive Purchase of Electricity and the Provision of Electricity Distribution Services for the Hospital, a Baptism Monument of Poland in Gniezno HOSPITAL MONUMENT TO THE BAPTISM OF POLAND Comprehensive Purchase of Electricity and the Provision of Electricity Distribution Services for the Hospital, a Baptism Monument of Poland in Gniezno Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: comprehensive purchase of electricity and provision of electricity distribution services for the hospital, a baptism monument in Gniezno Reference number: DZP.240.14.2022 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 5400481.38 - PLN Description: 1. The subject of the contract is a comprehensive purchase of electricity and the provision of electricity distribution services for the hospital Baptism Monument in Gniezno. 2. The estimated demand for electricity for individual tariff groups during the performance of the contract was specified in the list of electricity collection points constituting Annex 2 to SWZ, based on the consumption of electricity in 2022 and is only approximate, used to compare the offers of contractors ( ...) 3. The detailed description of the order includes a list of electricity consumption points constituting Annex 2 to SWZ. 09300000 - Electricity, Heating, Solar and Nuclear Energy 09310000 - Electricity Authority Type: Other Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regulation: European Union, with Participation by GPA Co ... Poland Contract value : 5,400,481.38 PLN Contractors : EACHINE S.A. 21/12/2022 29/12/2022 01/01/1900 78933399 29/12/2022 HOSPITAL MONUMENT TO THE BAPTISM OF POLAND Address : Address: ul. Sw. John 9 Town: Gniezno Nuts -Code: PL41 - Wielkopolskie Postal Code: 62-200 Phone: +48 2228323 Fax: +48 614263233 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 21/12/2022 01/01/1900 5,400,481.38 PLN
Power Bolt Regulation Ventilation Plumbing Turned Product and Screw Regulation Plumbing Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Ventilation
Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste Electricity distribution Nuts Heating works Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological protection equipment Other services Electricity Postal orders Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Solar Photovoltaic PV Energy Energy Postal and Courier Services Infrastructure Services Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Petroleum Products
Contract Value
5,400,481.38 PLN
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