Contract Details

Four -year Framework Agreement for the Assignment in 2 Separate Lots of the Management of Services at the Rehabilitation Facilities Dependencies and the Flash Road Units Italy

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Contract Award's Details : Four -year Framework Agreement for the Assignment in 2 Separate Lots of the Management of Services at the Rehabilitation Facilities Dependencies and the Flash Road Units USL TOSCANA CENTRO COMPANY Aq Supply of Cloud Iaas and Paas Products for the P.a. - Id 2213 Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: AQ Supply of IAAS and Paas Cloud products for the P.A. - ID 2213 Contract No.: 1 Reference Number: ID 2213 Contract type: Services Estimated Value: 550000000.00 - EUR Description: The procedure is aimed at the conclusion of a framework agreement for each lot, according to the methods indicated below: -Lot 1 (supply of Public Cloud Iaas and Paas services) based on art. 54, paragraph 4, lett. b) of the code; -Lotti 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (support services for the adoption of the cloud) and lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (technological services), based on art. 54, paragraph 3, of the code. The framework agreement is aimed at public administrations. For more details, please refer to the tender documentation. 72410000 - Provider services 72220000 - Systems and Technical Consultancy Services Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of procedures: open procedures Regulation: European Union, with participation by GPA Countries Bid Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Provider Services Dispatch Date: 2022-09-14 Publish Date: 2022-09-19 Italy Contract value : 4,698,000.00 EUR Contractors : ARCA SOCIAL COOPERATIVE A R. L. (AGENT), G. DI VITTORIO COOPERATIVE SOCIAL SOCIAL ONLUS (PRINCIPAL), C.A.T. SOCIAL COOPERATIVE SOCIETY (PRINCIPAL) 13/09/2022 21/09/2022 01/01/1900 78639239 21/09/2022 CONSIP S.P.A. A SINGLE SHAREHOLDER Address : Address : 19/E Town : Rome NUTS-Code : ITI43 - Roma Postal Code : 00198 Contact Point : Divisione Sourcing Digitalizzazione, Ing. Carmelo Portale Phone : +39 06854491 Fax : +39 0685449288 Italy Italy Contract Awards Italy 07/04/2022 01/01/1900 550,000,000.00 EUR
Arts Justice Regulation Justice All Other Support Services Other Justice Regulation Management Other Justice
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Supports Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Flashing work Other services Administration, defence and social security services Postal orders Dates Works of art
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Banking-Finance-Insurance Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Construction Consultancy Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Aviation Marine
Contract Value
550,000,000.00 EUR
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