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Daily Preparation and Delivery of Food for the Needs of the Users of the Social Service center for Care for Persons with Mental Disorders in Dryanovo in Ksuch Dryanovo Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Daily Preparation and Delivery of Food for the Needs of the Users of the Social Service center for Care for Persons with Mental Disorders in Dryanovo in Ksuch Dryanovo SOCIAL SERVICES COMPLEX FOR ELDERLY - DRYANOVO Delivery of Endoscopic Medical Devices and Consumables for the Needs of Gastroenterology to the Internal Ward of Mbal - Haskovo Ad Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of endoscopic medical devices and consumables for the needs of gastroenterology to the internal ward of MBAL - Haskovo AD Contract No. : 102265 Reference Number: 2023/S 140-448074 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 25540.00 - Bgn Description: Endoscopic medical devices and consumables within the meaning of Snakes for the needs of MBAL - Haskovo AD are included in the subject of the contract, which will be delivered periodically, with the transport of the contractor, after a preliminary written request from the contracting authority. The quantities of the products referred to in the annexes from No. 1 to the technical specification are indicative and the contracting authority is not committed to the request and purchase of estimated quantities. This public procurement includes a series of specific nomenclature items. The contracting authority allows an offer for one or more of the nomenclatures included in the subject of the public procurement. Failure to submit a proposal under some of the nomenclatures is not a reason to remove the participant from the procedure. The evaluation and ranking of proposed ... Bulgaria Contract value : 516,700.00 BGN Contractors : LACHO- 18 LTD. 01/07/2023 25/07/2023 01/01/1900 79627058 25/07/2023 MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT - HASKOVO AD Address : Address: Saedinenie Blvd.49 TOWN: HASKOVO NUTS-CODE: BG411 - Sofia (capital) / Sofia (Stolitsa) Postal Code: 6300 Contact Point: Vesselina Vasileva Dineva Phone: +359 38606701 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 06/07/2023 01/01/1900 25,540.00 BGN
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Contract Value
25,540.00 BGN
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