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Healthy weight communications campaign United Kingdom

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Contract Award's Details : Healthy weight communications campaign SOUTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL Healthy weight communications campaign 1.1. An external agency is required to undertake a full behaviour change campaign including insight, message and asset development and media buying promoting healthy behaviours relating to weight management. We know that particular conditions contribute to significantly worse outcomes for people who contract covid-19. We know that obesity is a particular risk factor, Public Health England reported similar numbers for mortality, with the risk of death from covid-19 increasing by 90% in people with a BMI over 40 (Public Health England. Excess weight can increase risk of serious illness and death from covid-19. Public Health England 25 Jul 2020. We know that the issue is significant in Southampton and is comparable to the rest of the UK, but the scale of the issue is markedly high given that over 132k adults in Southampton are overweight (including obese) and of these 50k individuals are obese. In line with the national trend the percentage of the population who are of excess weight is increasing over time. ( We are also aware that levels of childhood obesity are alarming for the city and this means the problem and associated risks will be around for the long term. The COVID pandemic should have been a wake up call to create the sort of action needed to get to grips with the issues but this hasn& 039;t been seen yet as pointed out in the BMJ ( United Kingdom Contract value : 74,415.00 GBP Contractors : HITCH MARKETING LIMITED 21/07/2021 11/02/2022 31/08/2022 78100786 11/02/2022 SOUTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL Address : Civic Centre,Civic Centre Road SO147LY, SOUTHAMPTON Oliver Tarrant United Kingdom United Kingdom Contract Awards United Kingdom ocds-b5fd17-047c20de-7791-405e-8306-bec2da85cb6a-454021-scc-sms-0228 21/07/2021 31/08/2022 74,415.00 GBP
Religious Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education Management Agencies Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Scales Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
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Contract Value
74,415.00 GBP
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