Contract Details

Successive Deliveries of Spare and Accident Parts to Mercedes Citaro Ii Buses for a Period of 18 Months Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Successive Deliveries of Spare and Accident Parts to Mercedes Citaro Ii Buses for a Period of 18 Months MIEJSKIE PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO KOMUNIKACYJNE SP. Z O.O. IN WROCLAW The Mragowskie Centrum Kultury Mragowskie is Relieved Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: The Mragowskie Centrum Kultury is heard again. Reference number: adm.322.20.2023 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 1245990 - PLN Description: 1. The subject of the contract is the purchase and delivery of equipment and equipment as part of a public procurement entitled: Re -audible Mragowskie Centrum Kultury. The order is divided into 2 parts: 1) Part 1 - Delivery of sound equipment. 2) Part 2 - Delivery of photographic equipment. 2. A detailed description of the subject of the contract for individual parts is specified in chapter II and constitutes an attachment to the specification of the terms of the contract (hereinafter referred to as SWZ or specification). 1. The subject of the contract is the purchase and delivery of equipment and equipment as part of a public procurement entitled: Really audible Mragowskie Culture Center. The order is divided into 2 parts: 1) Part 1 - Delivery of sound equipment. 2. A detailed description of the subject of the contract for individual parts is specified in chapter II and constitutes an attachment to the specification of the terms of the contract (hereinafter referred to as SWZ or specification). 3. The contractor ensures that the equipment will be factory ... Poland Contract value : 1,840,163.50 PLN Contractors : PRZEDSIEBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO USLUGOWO HANDLOWE AUTOCENTRUM MAZIARZ, KRAWIEC - JAWNA COMPANY 07/01/2024 15/01/2024 01/01/1900 80495024 15/01/2024 MRAGOWSKIE CENTRUM KULTURY Address : Address: ul. Warszawska 26 Town: Mragowo Nuts-Code: PL622 Postal Code: 11-700 Attn: Agnieszka Michalska Phone: +48 897433450 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 14/11/2023 01/01/1900 1,245,990.00 PLN
Justice Justice Other Justice Machinery Other Justice
Sound equipment Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Law and Legal Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Coal and Lignite Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel
Contract Value
1,245,990.00 PLN
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