Contract Details

Maintenance, Inspection and Repair of the Sun Protection Systems in 53175 Bonn, Heinemannstraße 2-22, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (award Number Voek 071a-22) Germany

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Contract Award's Details : Maintenance, Inspection and Repair of the Sun Protection Systems in 53175 Bonn, Heinemannstraße 2-22, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (award Number Voek 071a-22) FEDERAL AGENCY FOR REAL ESTATE TASKS Completion of Non-exclusive Discount Agreements According to Section 130a (8) Sgb V for Finished Medicinal Products with the Active Ingredient Teriparatide Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Completion of non-exclusive discount agreements according to Section 130a (8) SGB V for finished medicinal products with the active ingredient teriparatide Reference Number: 2023/S 200-626574 Contract type: Supplies Estimated value: 1.00 - EUR Description: §130a (8) SGB V enables health insurance companies (KK) and pharmaceutical companies to conclude framework discount contracts on the expenses of the statutory KK. The GWQ is active as a Society for Economic and Quality at KK in accordance with Section 130a (8) sentence 5 SGB V for its shareholders and customer health insurers. With regard to the relevant legal provisions on the awarding of public orders, there is a regular process of active ingredient, formal award procedures according to the regulations of the 4th part of the GWB by GWQ ServicePlus AG. Until the new pharmaceutical discount contracts come into force, the GWQ would like to use all interested pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical discounts as part of the open house procedure for preparations with the including Complete the active ingredient. The early start of the contract is 01.01.2022. 33600000 ... Germany Contract value : 440,092.00 EUR Contractors : EDER SONNENSCHUTZ GMBH 11/10/2023 17/10/2023 01/01/1900 79973520 18/10/2023 GWQ SERVICEPLUS AG Address : Address: GWQ ServicePlus AG, TersteeGenstraße 28, 40474 Düsseldorf, acting for the statutory health insurance companies in Examination under VI 2.) Town: Dusseldorf Nuts Code: DK - DANMARK Postal Code: 40474 Phone: +49 211758498-0 Fax: +49 211758498-48 Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 01/09/2023 01/01/1900 1.00 EUR
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Contract Value
1.00 EUR
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