Contract Details

Services For The Central Register Of University Employees And Students Slovakia

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Contract Award's Details : Services For The Central Register Of University Employees And Students Žilinská Univerzita V Žiline - Rektorát Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:00397563 Univerzitná 8215/1, 01026 Žilina Kód Nuts:Sk031 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Ing. Silvia Barnová Telefón:+421 415135216 Fax:+421 415626961 / 415651483 Services For The Central Register Of University Employees And Students Notice of Contract Award: Services for the central register of university employees and students It concerns the operation of the original computer programs located at, As well as the extension and subsequent analytical, Development, Graphic and testing services, The author of which is the interested person. Operation and maintenance refers to applications central student register and central employee register. Applications are used by all universities providing education in the slovak republic. The ministry of education, Science, Research and sport of the slovak republic uses these applications for statistical reporting and as a basis for distributing finance to universities. Applications provide interoperability to other public administration systems that need to be implemented under several laws, Regulations, Directives and agreements between ministries. Date of contract award: 29.05.2019 The total value of the contract / part Bids received: 1 Slovakia Contract value : 261,000.00 SKK Contractors : LISTERA S.R.O. See in details 15/06/2019 29/08/2019 13413243 15/06/2019 Žilinská Univerzita V Žiline - Rektorát Vnútroštátne Identifikacné Císlo:00397563 Univerzitná 8215/1, 01026 Žilina Kód Nuts:Sk031 Slovensko Kontaktná Osoba:Ing. Silvia Barnová Telefón:+421 415135216 Fax:+421 415626961 / 415651483 Address : Slovakia Slovakia Contract Awards Slovakia See in details 29/08/2019 261,000.00 SKK
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Contract Value
261,000.00 SKK
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