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Chinchillas. Talk. 1 Year (pétervára, Mátrafüred) (hungary-jánoshalma: Miscellaneous Food Products) Hungary

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Contract Award's Details : Chinchillas. Talk. 1 Year (pétervára, Mátrafüred) (hungary-jánoshalma: Miscellaneous Food Products) Am Kelet-Magyarországi Agrárszakképzo Központ, Mezogazdasági Szakgimnázium, Szakközépiskola És Kollégium Ekrsz_91233947 Béke Tér 13. Jánoshalma 6440 Hungary Contact Person: Taskovics Péter Tel: +36 77401028 E-Mail: Taskovics.P Chinchillas. Talk. 1 Year (pétervára, Mátrafüred) (hungary-jánoshalma: Miscellaneous Food Products) Contract award notice: Chinchillas. Talk. 1 year (pétervára, Mátrafüred) (hungary-jánoshalma: Miscellaneous food products) purchase of food raw materials based on sales contract 2018 part 1: Purchase of matrafüred milk part 2: Purchase of matrafüred beef part 3 purchase of fruits and vegetables from matrafüred part 4 purchase of matrafüred eggs part 5 purchase of matrafüred pork meat part 6: Purchase of matrafüred mixed spice assortment part 7: Purchase of matrafüred filling goods part 8: Purchase matrafüred bread, Bakery products part 9: Purchase of mátrafüred poultry meat part 10: Purchase of matrafüred mirelite products part 11: Purchase of bakery products for baking part 12: Purchasing dairy products part 13: Purchase of pre-chilled meat and meat products part 14: Purchase of poultry frozen chilled poultry part 15: Purchase of dry pasta for peter~s part 16: Purchase of pepper spice paprika part 17: Purchase of dry goods and drinks for your pet part 18: Purchase of fresh vegetables and fruits for your pet part 19: Purchase of a myriad of petri dishes initial estimated total value of the contract: /lot 4 231 573.00 huftotal value of the contract/lot 4 178 610.00 hufv.2.5)information about subcontractingsection v award of contractlot no 2title nmátrafüred marhahús beszerzése na contract/lot is awarded no number of tenders received: 1 (note: Other contractors detail is available in attached document) education Hungary Contract value : See in details Contractors : EGERTEJ DAIRY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY See in details 05/07/2019 05/10/2019 13493851 05/07/2019 Am Kelet-Magyarországi Agrárszakképzo Központ, Mezogazdasági Szakgimnázium, Szakközépiskola És Kollégium Ekrsz_91233947 Béke Tér 13. Jánoshalma 6440 Hungary Contact Person: Taskovics Péter Tel: +36 77401028 E-Mail: Taskovics.P Address : Hungary Hungary Contract Awards Hungary 312777-2019 See in details 05/10/2019 See in details
Dry Pasta Dry
Dried, salted, smoked or seasoned meat Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar Poultry Spices Beef Peppers Vegetables Sales, marketing and business intelligence software package Eggs Pepper Machinery for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping bottles or other containers Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services Dry goods Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery Parts of dishwashing machines and of machines for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping Meat Food, beverages, tobacco and related products Dishes Beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts Fruit, vegetables and related products Milk Vegetables, fruits and nuts Bread Pork
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Infrastructure Railways-Rail-Railroad Education and Training Defence and Security Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Coal and Lignite Computer Hardwares and Consumables Marine
Contract Value
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