Contract Details

Is-cf 1 Provision of Sewerage Network Equipment Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Is-cf 1 Provision of Sewerage Network Equipment APAVITAL SA IASI Is-cf 1 Provision of Sewerage Network Equipment Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: IS-CF 1 Provision of Sewage Machinery Contract No.: 100 Reference Number: RO1959763_2021_PAAPD1243311 / CF1 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 13341977 - RON Description: The object of the contract is the provision of equipment for sewerage networks required for the periodic inspection of the technical state of the networks, as well as cleaning, washing, decommissioning of sewerage pipes in the operating area of ??the APAVITAL OPERATOR S.A. Iasi, as well as installation, commissioning, training of the purchaser's operating personnel, technical assistance for maintenance and repair during the warranty period, according to the provisions of the specifications: Vacuum cleaner for cleaning sewage systems1 pcs. br Auto-boat CCTV1 pc. br Combined hydrocrators (WOMA 10 MC type) 4 pcs. br Hydrocrators combined with water recycling system1 pcs. br Hydrocractor pipes and tanks tractable8 pcs. br Portable inspection system for inspecting the lateral connections for diameters between 70 and 400 mm1 pcs. br Video inspection system with telescopic rod ... Romania Contract value : 13,341,977.00 RON Contractors : GRADINARIU TRUCKS SOLUTIONS 05/01/2022 24/01/2022 01/01/1900 78013331 24/01/2022 APAVITAL SA IASI Address : Strada: Costachescu Mihai, Nr. 6 700495, Iasi Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 05/01/2022 01/01/1900 13,341,977.00 RON
Executive and Legislative Offices Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Machinery Truck Military Armored Vehicle Executive and Legislative Offices Water Truck Boiler
Tanks Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels System, storage and content management software package Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Sewerage work Pipes Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Point rods Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Training, workout or aerobic services Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers Sewage work Forklift trucks, works trucks, railway-station platforms tractors Rods System, storage and content management software development services Networking, Internet and intranet software package Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction Parts of works trucks Works trucks Vacuum cleaners Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment Network equipment
Eastern Europe Europe
Environment and Pollution-Recycling Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Environmental Work Education and Training Machinery and Equipments-M&E Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Electronics Marine
Contract Value
13,341,977.00 RON
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