Contract Details

Supply of Heat and Provision of Transmission Services for the Needs of Szpitali Pomorskie Sp. Z O.o. for the Facilities of the Maritime Hospital Pck and the Hospital of St. Wincentego a 'paulo in Gdynia Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Supply of Heat and Provision of Transmission Services for the Needs of Szpitali Pomorskie Sp. Z O.o. for the Facilities of the Maritime Hospital Pck and the Hospital of St. Wincentego a 'paulo in Gdynia HOSPITALS POMORSKIE SP. Z O.O. Enforcement Proceedings to the Framework Agreement for the Supply of Computers to Common Courts in the Area of the Krakow Appeal - All in One Computer Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Enforcement proceedings to the framework agreement for the supply of computers to common courts in the area of ??the Krakow appeal - All in One computer Reference Number: WZP-421-37 / 2020 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 1805000.00 - PLN Description: Enforcement proceedings pursuant to Art. 101a paragraph. 1 point 2 lit. b of the Act of January 29, 2004, Public Procurement Law (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1843, as amended) in order to conclude an executive contract under and under the terms of the framework contract No. WZP-43- 19/2020 for the supply of computers to common courts. The subject of the contract is the delivery: All in One computer - 475 pieces. 30213300 - Desktop computer 48000000 - Software package and information systems 30230000 - Computer-related equipment 30237200 - Computer accessories Authority Type: Body governed by public law Type of Procedure: Restricted procedure Regulation: European Union, with participation by GPA countries Bid Type: Not applicable Doc Title: Desktop computer Dispatch Date: 2020-11-20 Publish Date: 2020 ... Poland Contract value : 5,907,062.28 PLN Contractors : DISTRICT HEAT ENGINEERING COMPANY SP??KA Z O.O. 30/10/2020 15/12/2020 See in details 76942292 12/12/2020 COURT OF APPEAL IN KRAKOW (ORDERING PARTY) REPRESENTED BY THE PROCUREMENT CENTER FOR THE JUDICIARY INSTITUTION OF BUDGET ECONOMY Address : Address: Ul. Wadowicka 6 Town: Krakow NUTS-Code: PL - POLAND Postal Code: 30-415 Contact Point: Biuro - Procurement Center for the Judiciary Institution of Budget Economy Phone: +48 602491691 Fax: +48 124175665 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 10/11/2020 See in details 1,805,000.00 PLN
Arts Justice Piece Goods Regulation Apparel Justice Automotive Parts Architectural Other Justice Machinery Regulation Executive Courts Executive Courts Research and Development in the Physical Other Justice Research and Development in the Physical Piece Goods
Transmission, cam- and crank- shafts Journals Engineering, auxiliary, average, loss, actuarial and salvage insurance services Wheels, parts and accessories Parts of computers IT software package Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines Information systems Other services Postal orders Dates Works of art
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Contract Value
1,805,000.00 PLN
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