Contract Details

Control Control Conduction for Report of Drinking Water and Urgent or Non-programmable Common Water from Saint-paul and Trois-bassins France

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Contract Award's Details : Control Control Conduction for Report of Drinking Water and Urgent or Non-programmable Common Water from Saint-paul and Trois-bassins WATER AND ASS. CREOLE Control Control Conduction for Report of Drinking Water and Urgent or Non-programmable Common Water from Saint-paul and Trois-bassins Type document: Contract Award Notice Title: Framework agreement for command of drinking water and urgent or non-programmable common water from Saint-Paul and Trois-Bassins Contract no .: 2022TVX047 Reference Number: 2022TVX047 Type contract: Works ESTIMATED VALUE: 4000000 - EUR Description: This market concerns the realization of various extensions, urgent repairs, deviation, strengthening and securing of the network and mainly drinking water structures (work can be non -programmable). As part of this work, extensions of the wastewater network can be made of common trenches including the installation of sheath for telecommunications networks 45332200 - Water Plumbing Work 45232410 - Sewerage Work Authority Type: Utilities Entity Type of procedure: open procedure Regulation: European Union, With Participation by GPA Countries BID Type: not applicable Doc Title: Water Plumbing Work Dispatch Date: 2023-09-13 Publish Date: 2023-09-18 France Contract value : 4,000,000.00 EUR Contractors : HYDROTECH 05/09/2023 20/09/2023 01/01/1900 79898713 20/09/2023 WATER AND ASS. CREOLE Address : Address : 8 route de Savanna CS 91019 Town : Saint-Paul NUTS-Code : FRY4 - La Réunion Postal Code : 97864 Phone : +33 262323035 France France Contract Awards France 05/09/2023 01/01/1900 4,000,000.00 EUR
Electric Power Transmission Regulation Other Foundation Other Foundation Regulation and Administration of Communications All Other Telecommunications Plumbing All Other Telecommunications All Other Telecommunications Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Regulation Regulation and Administration of Communications Plumbing Foundation Water
Parts of structures Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment Networks Networking, Internet and intranet software development services Control, safety, signalling and light equipment Sewerage work Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment Horse, ass, mule or hinny meat Ass, mule or hinny meat Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities Command, control, communication systems Structures and parts Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations Telecommunications network Command, control, communication and computer systems Networking, Internet and intranet software package Drinking water Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves Water plumbing work Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecomm... Postal orders Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports Dates
Europe Western Europe
Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Infrastructure Telecommunications Water and Sanitation Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Building Material Marine
Contract Value
4,000,000.00 EUR
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