Contract Details

The Acquisition of the Facilities for the Investment Objective development, Modernization and Endowment of the Operational Infrastructure Within the School No. 1, City Tîrgu Ocna, Bacau County ” Romania

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Contract Award's Details : The Acquisition of the Facilities for the Investment Objective development, Modernization and Endowment of the Operational Infrastructure Within the School No. 1, City Tîrgu Ocna, Bacau County ” TG.OCNA CITY (TG.OCNA LOCAL COUNCIL) The Acquisition of the Facilities for the Investment Objective development, Modernization and Endowment of the Operational Infrastructure Within the School No. 1, City Tîrgu Ocna, Bacau County ” Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: The acquisition of the equipments for the investment objective Development, modernization and endowment of the operational infrastructure within the School no. 1, city Tîrgu Ocna, Bacau county ” Contract No.: 10261 Reference Number: 3999/09.03.2022 Type contract: Supplies Estimated Value: 605867 - Ron Description: Lot I - Lot 1 IT and Electronic equipment - 486.836.00 lei without VAT Laptop classroom, Dual-Band Wireless Router 300 + 433 Mbps Gigabi, multifunctional color laser A3 with power supply Documents, mobile stand and tonne set, all-in one with operating system, mouse and keyboard, on-ear headphones with microphone. , Dual Band 600 + 1625 MBPS wireless router, 4: 3/300x225cm video projector, complete sound system, mobile, for music and voice amplification, interactive video projector, dynamic microphone, interactive interactive and video projector 87 “| 221 cm Lot II - Laboratory facilities - 66,672.00 lei without VAT Organic chemistry kit, molecular construction set, physical -chemical phenomena kit, reagents for school laboratories, Ma kit ... Romania Contract value : 605,867.00 RON Contractors : ALFA VEGA S.R.L., MEP 27/07/2022 25/08/2022 01/01/1900 78558967 25/08/2022 TG.OCNA CITY (TG.OCNA LOCAL COUNCIL) Address : Address : nr. 1 Town : Târgu Ocna NUTS-Code : RO211 - Bacau Postal Code : 605600 Contact Point : Valentin Miron Phone : +40 0734995891 Fax : +40 234/344114 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 27/07/2022 01/01/1900 605,867.00 RON
Power Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Construction Machinery Agriculture General Freight Trucking Electroplating Construction
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Contract Value
605,867.00 RON
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