Contract Details

Conclusion of a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Surveying Services in 2018-2021 Slovenia

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Contract Award's Details : Conclusion of a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Surveying Services in 2018-2021 MUNICIPALITY OF CELJE Preparation of Project, Spatial and Investment Documentation up to the Dgd Phase for the Investment Project: Regulation of the Supply of Drinking Water to the Population of Slovenian Istria and the Karst Hinterland Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Preparation of project, spatial and investment documentation up to the DGD phase for the investment project: Regulation of the supply of drinking water to the population of Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland Contract No. : 43006-1 / 2020 Reference Number: 43006-1 / 2020 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 4980000.00 - EUR Description: Preparation of project, spatial and investment documentation up to the DGD phase for the investment project: Regulation of the supply of drinking water to the population of Slovenian Istria and the Karst hinterland. The content of the public procurement is defined in more detail in the subject documentation related to the award of the public procurement. 71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services 71300000 - Engineering services 71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services 71500000 - Construction-related services 71800000 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy Authority Type: Ministry or any other national or federal authority Type of Procedure: Open procedure Regulation: European Union Bid Type: Not applicable Doc Title: Architec ... Slovenia Contract value : 190,163.92 EUR Contractors : GEOMETER, SURVEYING SERVICES, TRADE AND CONSULTING D.O.O. 12/11/2020 08/12/2020 See in details 76932981 08/12/2020 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND SPATIAL PLANNING WATER DIRECTORATE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Address : Address: Hajdrihova ulica 28C Town: Ljubljana NUTS-Code: SI - SLOVENIA Postal Code: 1000 Phone: +386 14783100 Fax: +386 14783199 Slovenia Slovenia Contract Awards Slovenia 21/10/2020 See in details 4,980,000.00 EUR
Justice Regulation Administration of Housing Programs Justice Construction Architectural Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Other Justice Regulation Agriculture Landscape Architectural Services Administration of Housing Programs Research and Development in the Physical Environment Other Justice Engineering Services Research and Development in the Physical Water Construction
Architectural, engineering and planning services Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Architectural, engineering and surveying services Wells construction work Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security Construction work Drinking water Other services Goods used in construction Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Postal orders
Eastern Europe Europe Southern Europe
Civil Works Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Architecture Engineering Postal and Courier Services Water and Sanitation Law and Legal Printing and Publishing Services Railways-Rail-Railroad Defence and Security Construction Consultancy Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
4,980,000.00 EUR
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