Contract Details

Dismantling and Transmitting Old Wood/ Coal Heaters and Supply of Alternative Heaters, Heating Electricity-inverter Air Conditioners, for the Krum Bachvarov Neighborhoods and the Type Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Dismantling and Transmitting Old Wood/ Coal Heaters and Supply of Alternative Heaters, Heating Electricity-inverter Air Conditioners, for the Krum Bachvarov Neighborhoods and the Type VIDIN MUNICIPALITY Fuel Delivery for Heating for the Needs of Rhif - Vidin Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Delivery of heating fuel for the needs of RHIF - Vidin Contract No. : 64824 Reference Number: 2022/S 210-602042 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 47500.00 - Bgn Description: The subject of this public procurement is the periodic supply of fuel for heating (gas oil for industrial and utilities) on written requests made by the contracting authority, with a place of performance Vidin, 2 Pannonia Blvd. The estimated amount required for the term of the contract is 20,000 liters. 09134000 - Gas Oils Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of Procedure: Negotized without a Prior Call for Competition Regulation: EUROPEAN UNION Bid Type: Not Applicable DoC Title: Gas Oils Dispatch Date: 2022-10-27 Publish Date: 2022-10-31 Bulgaria Contract value : 433,459.00 BGN Contractors : DZZD CONSORTIUM PURE HEATING, VIKI EOOD, GEO - ROSS 92 LTD. 28/09/2022 16/11/2022 01/01/1900 78772999 16/11/2022 REGIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE FUND - VIDIN Address : Address: bul. Panonia .2 Town: Vidin NUTS-CODE: BG311 - Vidin / Vidin Postal Code: 3700 Contact Point: Valentina Raycheva Kopriv - Phone: +359 94609870 FAX: +359 94609811 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 26/10/2022 01/01/1900 47,500.00 BGN
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Justice Other Insurance Funds Regulation Ventilation Regulation and Administration of Communications Plumbing Justice Other Insurance Funds Other Justice Regulation Direct Insurance (except Life Commercial Regulation and Administration of Communications Direct Life Plumbing Other Justice Ventilation
Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy Gases Oil, petrol and air-intake filters Fuels Heating works Coal Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy Dismantling works Postal orders Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work Wood Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps Dates
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Oil and Gas Water and Sanitation Law and Legal Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Coal and Lignite Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry
Contract Value
47,500.00 BGN
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