Contract Details

Delivery of Shut -off, Return and Regulating Fittings and Float Valves for the Needs of Vik Ltd., Stara Zagora Bulgaria

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Contract Award's Details : Delivery of Shut -off, Return and Regulating Fittings and Float Valves for the Needs of Vik Ltd., Stara Zagora WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE LTD. determination of a Contractor for Construction, Major Renovation, Rehabilitation and Ongoing Maintenance of the Streets, Municipal Roads and Their Facilities on the Territory of Burgas Municipality in 2 Blow Positions Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Determination of a contractor for construction, major repairs, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of the streets, municipal roads and their facilities on the territory of Burgas Municipality in 2 Blow positions Contract No. : 42317 Reference Number: 93-op21-14 Contract Type: WORKS Estimated Value: 35200.00 - Bgn Description: Contract ?93-OP21-14 (102)/18.04.2022, with the subject: “Construction, major overhaul, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of the streets (including RPM sections falling in the regulation of settlements) , the municipal roads and their facilities in territorial scope falling in a separate position No. 2, separate sub -region ? 9 Liberation, namely: “Activities for ongoing repair and maintenance of the Republican roads in the features of Burgas, in accordance with the Agreement Protocol of 17.11.2021 D. with the Road Infrastructure Agency for 2022, according to the contractor's price proposal (Annex No. 4) and the technical proposal of the contractor (Annex No. 2)-an integral part of the contract. (89)/03.11.2021, with the subject: Construction, major repairs, rehabilitation and current support ... Bulgaria Contract value : 800,000.00 BGN Contractors : INDUSTRIAL PARTY OOD 04/05/2022 10/05/2022 01/01/1900 78311954 11/05/2022 BURGAS MUNICIPALITY Address : ADDRESS: ul. Aleksandrovska 26 TOWN: BURGAS NUTS-CODE: BG341 - BURGAS / Burgas Postal Code: 8000 Contact Point: Yanislav Tenev Phone: +359 56907269 FAX: +359 56841996 Bulgaria Bulgaria Contract Awards Bulgaria 18/04/2022 01/01/1900 35,200.00 BGN
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Contract Value
35,200.00 BGN
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