Contract Details

Labor -oriented Processes Nuisance Causing Persons Netherlands

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Contract Award's Details : Labor -oriented Processes Nuisance Causing Persons MUNICIPALITY OF DEN HELDER Labor -oriented Processes Nuisance Causing Persons Document type: Contract Award Notice Title: labor -oriented processes nuisance causing people Reference Number: 2023-046475 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 531085.0 - EUR Description: It is an agreement for carrying out work -oriented processes for nuisance -giving persons and/or persons who always recurrence in criminal law. The contracting authority started a process in 2017 for tackling people with a criminal background, who are generally not sensitive to imprisonment and are often not motivated for learning and work processes. The processes focus on acquiring discipline in a stimulus environment. The target group are adults between the ages of 18 and 65 with a crime past, who in principle want to follow a course or want to work, but have not (yet) been able to do so, primarily due to lack of motivation and antisocial behavior. In addition, all participants have various other problems (crime related or obstructing), such as addiction problems, Psychological or psychosocial problems, or are slightly mentally limited -or a combination of these. Zi ... Netherlands Contract value : 531,085.00 EUR Contractors : REPAIR FOUNDATION 24/01/2024 27/01/2024 28/02/2025 80613850 27/01/2024 MUNICIPALITY OF DEN HELDER Address : Address: Traffic Tower Road 3 Town: Den Helder NUTS code: NL - Nederland Postal Code: 1786PN Contact Point: Bart van der Willik Phone: +31 223671200 Netherlands Netherlands Contract Awards Netherlands 24/01/2024 28/02/2025 531,085.00 EUR
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Contract Value
531,085.00 EUR
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