Contract Details

Supply Of Milk, Dairy Products And Apples For Preschool Children In Kindergartens With A Normal 4-hour Program Of Accredited And Accredited Private Accredited State And For Pupils In State And Private Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Supply Of Milk, Dairy Products And Apples For Preschool Children In Kindergartens With A Normal 4-hour Program Of Accredited And Accredited Private Accredited State And For Pupils In State And Private Jude?ul Bistri?a-Nasaud Pia?a Petru Rare? Nr. 1–2 Contact Point(S): Elisabeta Ungureanu 420080 Bistri?a Romania Telephone: +40 263230741 E-Mail: Licitatii@Cjbn.Ro Fax: +40 263214750 Internet Address(Es): Address Of The B Supply Of Milk, Dairy Products And Apples For Preschool Children In Kindergartens With A Normal 4-hour Program Of Accredited And Accredited Private Accredited State And For Pupils In State And Private Contract award notice: Supply of milk, Dairy products and apples for preschool children in kindergartens with a normal 4-hour program of accredited and accredited private accredited state and for pupils in state and private primary and secondary education for the years 2018, 2019, 2020 in bistrita- nauud according to the program for schools free provision for preschoolers in kindergartens with a normal 4-hour program of accredited and accredited private accredited state and for pupils in primary and state secondary education and private milk and dairy products up to a daily / preschool / pupil. Framework agreement: Estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that may be required throughout the entire framework agreement. Minimum quantity: 8 282 988 units, Maximum quantity: 9 071 844 pcs. Frame agreement: Minimum value: 6 626 390,40 ron, Excl. Vat, Maximal value: 7 257 475,40 ron, Fara tva. Estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that may be the subject of a single subsequent contract of the following to be awarded during the framework agreement: Minimum quantities: 1 774 926 pieces, Maximum quantities: 1 873 533 pcs. Value of the largest subsequent contract: 1 498 826,40 ron. Lot ii - apples. Free provision for preschoolers in kindergartens with a normal 4-hour program of accredited and accredited private accredited state and for pupils in primary and state secondary education and private milk and dairy products up to a daily / preschool / pupil. Estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that may be required throughout the entire framework agreement. Minimum quantity: 5 521 992 pcs, Maximum quantity: 6 047 896 pcs. Frame agreement: Minimum value: 3 037 095,60 ron, Excl. Vat, Maximum value: 3 326 342,80 ron, Excl. Vat. Estimates of the minimum and maximum quantities that could be the subject of a single subsequent contract of the following to be awarded during the framework agreement: Minimum quantities 1 183 284 pieces, Maximum quantities: 1 249 002 pcs. Value of the largest subsequent contract: 686 962,10 ron. Note: The contracting authority will respond clearly and fully to all clarification requests / additional information, Subject to the following deadlines: 18 days before the deadline set for the submission of tenders, 10 days before the deadline set for submission of tenders. Number of days until which clarifications can be requested before the deadline for submission: 13 days. Date of contract award decision: 7.9.2018 total final value of contract(s): Lowest offer 9 011 355,20 and highest offer 9 495 175,20 ron excluding vat Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : DORNA LACTATE S.A. See in details 21/09/2018 21/12/2018 11477938 21/09/2018 Jude?ul Bistri?a-Nasaud Pia?a Petru Rare? Nr. 1–2 Contact Point(S): Elisabeta Ungureanu 420080 Bistri?a Romania Telephone: +40 263230741 E-Mail: Licitatii@Cjbn.Ro Fax: +40 263214750 Internet Address(Es): Address Of The B Address : Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 413107-2018 See in details 21/12/2018 See in details
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