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Execution of Design Documentation for the Investment Pn. construction of a New Clinical Building Together with an Operating Block to Supplement the Complexity of the Oncological Benefits (...). Poland

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Contract Award's Details : Execution of Design Documentation for the Investment Pn. construction of a New Clinical Building Together with an Operating Block to Supplement the Complexity of the Oncological Benefits (...). NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY MARIA SKLODOWSKA-CURIE - NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE BRANCH IN GLIWICE Execution of Design Documentation for the Investment Pn. construction of a New Clinical Building Together with an Operating Block to Supplement the Complexity of the Oncological Benefits (...). Document Type: Voluntara ex ante Transparency notice Title: Performing design documentation for investment PN. Construction of a new clinical building together with an operating block to complement the complexity of the implemented oncological benefits (...). Reference Number: Do / DZ-381-4-2 / ??22 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 7971974.00 - PLN Description: The subject of this contract is the implementation of design documentation for the investment entitled Construction of a new clinical building together with an operational block to complement the complexity of the oncological benefits of the National Institute of Oncology State Research Institute. Maria Sklodowska-Curie Branch in Gliwice . 71000000 - Architectural, Construction, Engineering and Inspection Services 71200000 - Architectural and Related Services 71220000 - Architectural Design Services 71248000 - SUPERVISION OF PROJECT AND DOCUMENTATION 71300000 - Engineering Services 71320000 - Engineering Design Services 71400000 - Urban Planning and Landscape Architectural Services 71420000 - Landscape Architectural Services 71322000 - Enginee ... Poland Contract value : 7,971,974.00 PLN Contractors : MERITUM BUDOWLANA SP. Z O. O. SP. K. 11/02/2022 19/03/2022 01/01/1900 78200842 19/03/2022 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY MARIA SKLODOWSKA-CURIE - NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE BRANCH IN GLIWICE Address : Address: ul. Coast of the National Army 15 Town: Gliwice Nuts-Code: PL229 - Gliwice Postal Code: 44-102 Poland Poland Contract Awards Poland 11/02/2022 01/01/1900 7,971,974.00 PLN
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Contract Value
7,971,974.00 PLN
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