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Framework Agreement for Rehabilitation, Consolidation, Renovation and Energy Efficiency of Multifamilial Residential Buildings Located in the Radius of Sector 4 of Bucharest Municipality Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Framework Agreement for Rehabilitation, Consolidation, Renovation and Energy Efficiency of Multifamilial Residential Buildings Located in the Radius of Sector 4 of Bucharest Municipality SECTOR 4 (CITY HALL OF SECTOR 4 BUCHAREST) Framework Agreement for Rehabilitation, Consolidation, Renovation and Energy Efficiency of Multifamilial Residential Buildings Located in the Radius of Sector 4 of Bucharest Municipality Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Framework agreement for rehabilitation, consolidation, renovation and energy efficiency of multifamilial residential buildings located in the area of sector 4 of Bucharest Reference Number: 4316422/2022/23 Type Contract: Works Estimated Value: 356605491.13 - RON Description: The general objective of the framework agreement is to improve the living conditions for the citizens of the sector, by thermal and energy efficiency, the promotion of a more efficient economy in terms of the use of resources, more ecological, more competitive by the intelligent energy management, under the conditions of a sustainable developments. br The importance of the objective derives from the need to reduce the costs of heating for the population, with the energy consumption, especially of the families/households with modest income, which will lead to the improvement of the increase of the quality of life and the purchasing power of the disadvantaged social categories, as well as the reduction. consumption of exhaustable resources in the medium and long term. br The implementation of the measures, is to improve the improvement of the living conditions of ... Romania Contract value : 356,605,491.13 RON Contractors : PALEX CONSTRUCTION INSTALLATIONS, CONSTRUCTION ERBASU, CONLEX ENGINEERING S.R.L, ROAD CONCEPT, BOG'ART, OVI ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING, EARTH GAZ CONSTRUCT 01/03/2024 05/03/2024 01/01/1900 80756955 05/03/2024 SECTOR 4 (CITY HALL OF SECTOR 4 BUCHAREST) Address : Address: Nr. 6-16 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO - Romania Postal Code: 040532 Contact Point: Jordana Hudisteanu Phone: +40 213360360 Fax: +40 213360360 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 01/03/2024 01/01/1900 356,605,491.13 RON
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Contract Value
356,605,491.13 RON
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