Contract Details

Execution of the Construction of a Bypass Pipe Between the Arrival of the Collector and the Thick Grilled Bars and Reinforcement of the Access Road to the Manresa Wwtp, by Aigües De Manresa, Sa Spain

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Contract Award's Details : Execution of the Construction of a Bypass Pipe Between the Arrival of the Collector and the Thick Grilled Bars and Reinforcement of the Access Road to the Manresa Wwtp, by Aigües De Manresa, Sa AIGÜES DE MANRESA, SA Hiring of the Cleaning Service of the Umivale Activa Sitos Centers in Barcelona - Bailèn and Barcelona - Tarradellas Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Hiring of the Cleaning Service of the Umivale Activa Sitos Centers in Barcelona - Bailèn and Barcelona - Tarradellas Contract No.: 2023-401 Reference Number: Ser-23-0143-YSS Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 161900 - EUR Description: Hiring of the Cleaning Service of the Umivale Centers Activa Sitos in Barcelona - Bailèn and Barcelona - Tarradellas 90911000 - ACCOMMODATION, BUILDING AND Window Cleaning Services Authority Type: other Type of procedure: Open procedure Regulation: European Union Bid Type: Not Applicable Doc Title: Accommodation, Building and Window Cleaning Services Disa Date: 2023-06-14 Publish Date: 2023-06-19 Spain Contract value : 242,173.47 EUR Contractors : GRUPMAS CONSTRUCTORS S.L.U. 19/06/2023 20/06/2023 01/01/1900 79404269 20/06/2023 UMIVALE ACTIVA MANAGEMENT, MUTUAL COLLABORATOR WITH SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 3 Address : Vía: Calle del Poeta Joan Maragall, 31 C.P.: 28020 Population: Madrid Country: Spain Telephone: +034 914188364 Fax: +034 915564904 Email: Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 12/06/2023 01/01/1900 161,900.00 EUR
Regulation Securities Construction Regulation Agriculture Management Construction
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Microscope eyepieces, condensers, collectors, tubes, stages and covers Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Pipes Wells construction work Construction work Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Accommodation, building and window cleaning services Windows Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction Other services Bars Goods used in construction Windows, doors and related items Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment Dates
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Civil Works Building Automobiles and Auto Parts Non-Renewable Energy Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Services Travel and Tourism Cement and Asbestos Products Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Building Material Construction Materials
Contract Value
161,900.00 EUR
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