Contract Details

Rehabilitation in the Occupied Site of 157 Dwellings - 1 to 6 Rue Du Gandouget in Elancourt (78) France

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Contract Award's Details : Rehabilitation in the Occupied Site of 157 Dwellings - 1 to 6 Rue Du Gandouget in Elancourt (78) REAL ESTATE 3F Rehabilitation in the Occupied Site of 157 Dwellings - 1 to 6 Rue Du Gandouget in Elancourt (78) Document Type: Contract AWARD Record: Title: Rehabilitation in the occupied site of 157 dwellings - 1 to 6 rue du Gandouget in Elancourt (78) Contract No.: R339L REFERENCE NUMBER: R339L Contract Type: Services ESTIMATED VALUE: 315126.00 - EUR Description: Rehabilitation of a heritage consisting of 6 buildings or 157 dwellings built in 1977. The work (non-exhaustive list) will include the following interventions: - Clos & Covered: Renovation with ITE, Rehabilitation of Balcony Soils - Security work: compliance of GC balconies - Technical equipment: Passage in VMC Hygro - Common areas: Hall and Thermal SAS Doors, Ball Replacement, Lighting Repair Bearings, Renovation Home, Local Rehabilitation om - Private Parties: Rehabilitation of Wet Parts, System Replacement WC, Electrical Supplement, Bearings Replacement - Outdoor spaces: Requalification of exterior spaces This work will be done in an occupied environment. The laureate will develop the operation in BIM mode according to the specifications and the BIM Charter of I ... France Contract value : 315,126.00 EUR Contractors : ANTOINE FELLETIN ARCHITECTS 06/12/2021 28/01/2022 01/01/1900 78029856 28/01/2022 REAL ESTATE 3F Address : Address : 159 rue Nationale Town : Paris NUTS-Code : FR101 - Paris Postal Code : 75638 Contact Point : Bénédicte Fauvarque Phone : +01 40771515 France France Contract Awards France 06/12/2021 01/01/1900 315,126.00 EUR
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Securities Machinery Trusts Environment General Freight Trucking Trusts
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Contract Value
315,126.00 EUR
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