Contract Details

International Garden Exhibition (iga) Metropolis Ruhr 2027 - Future Island Gelsenkirchen with Nordsternpark + Germany

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Contract Award's Details : International Garden Exhibition (iga) Metropolis Ruhr 2027 - Future Island Gelsenkirchen with Nordsternpark + CITY GELSENKIRCHEN International Garden Exhibition (iga) Metropolis Ruhr 2027 - Future Island Gelsenkirchen with Nordsternpark + Document Type: Results of Design Contests Title: International Garden Exhibition (IgA) Metropolis Ruhr 2027 - Future island Gelsenkirchen with Nordsternpark + Reference Number: 2021 / S 077-198263 Contract Type: Services Estimated Value: 147058.82 - EUR Description: The metropolis of Ruhr has successfully completed the international garden exhibition (IGA) under the key question: How do we live tomorrow? Hold in the region for the year 2027. Unique for a garden show in a metropolitan region is the decentralized concept, which will include in 2027 in the tradition of Iba Emscher Park or the Ruhr.2010 the whole region. For permission future gardens in Duisburg, Gelsenkirchen and Dortmund and the Zukunftsgarten with environmental special topics in Bergkamen / L?nen, four international planning competitions are carried out in 2020 and 2021. The subject of the competition made here are planning services for the realization of the IGA site Zukunftsgarten Gelsenkirchen. The planning room is located on the Emperge Forum, which starts with the special band structure in Essen-Karnap to Zoom Erlebniswe ... Germany Contract value : 147,058.82 EUR Contractors : PAUL GIJE GM013 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE (1ST PRIZE), PROF. ULRIKE B?HM, PROF. KATJA BENFER, DR. CYRUS ZAHIRI B?HM BENFER ZAHIRI LANDSCAPES URBAN CONSTRUCTION (2ND PRIZE), FRANZ RESCHKE LANDSCHAFT ARCHITECTURE GMBH (3RD PRIZE) 14/04/2021 10/06/2021 See in details 77312093 10/06/2021 CITY GELSENKIRCHEN Address : Address: Wildbruchplatz 7 (Entrance Augustastra e) Town: Gelsenkirchen Nuts Code: DE300 - Berlin Postal Code: 45888 Contact Point: Unit 10 - Personnel and Organization, 10/4.2 - Central Contract, Rooms 3.03a (3.OG) Phone: +49 209-169-4833 Fax: +49 209-169-4821 Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 14/04/2021 See in details 147,058.82 EUR
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Contract Value
147,058.82 EUR
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