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Cleaning Insurance Services: Vama Bors I Platform, Km 641+700 - Km 642+327 - Framework Agreement 2 Years Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Cleaning Insurance Services: Vama Bors I Platform, Km 641+700 - Km 642+327 - Framework Agreement 2 Years THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. THROUGH D.R.D.P CLUJ Cleaning Insurance Services: Vama Bors I Platform, Km 641+700 - Km 642+327 - Framework Agreement 2 Years Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Cleaning Insurance Services: Vama Bors I platform, km 641+700 - km 642+327 - frame agreement 2 years Reference Number: 16054368/2022/2519/S1+2 Type contract: Services Description: Cleaning Insurance Services: Vama Bor? I platform, km 641+700 - km 642+327 - 2 -year frame agreement The minimum and maximum quantities related to the framework agreement can be found as an annex to the award documentation/specifications. br The contracting authority reserves the right to modify the contract according to art. 221 of Law 98/2016, provided that these changes do not fall in the provisions of art. 221 para. 7 of Law 98/2016, that is, it is not a substantial modification. br A. In accordance with the provisions of art. 160 para. (1) of Law no. 98/2016 with the subsequent modifications and completions, the deadline for which any interested economic operator has the right to request additional clarifications or information regarding the award documentation is maximum 18 days before the deadline for submitting tenders. br B. In accordance with the provisions of art. 161 para. (1) of Law no. 98/2016 with the changes and C ... Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : BVA AS STILL CLEAN, AB SMART CONSULTING SRL 22/01/2024 24/01/2024 01/01/1900 80605754 24/01/2024 THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. THROUGH D.R.D.P CLUJ Address : Address: Street: Decebal 128 Town: Cluj-Napoca Nuts -code: RO113 - Cluj Postal Code: 400205 Contact Point: Purchase Service Phone: +40 264432552 Fax: +40 26432446 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 22/01/2024 01/01/1900 See in details
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