Contract Details

Supply of Vehicles of the Maintenance and Self -self -self -self -self -department and the Green Department of the Municipality of Heraklion Greece

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Contract Award's Details : Supply of Vehicles of the Maintenance and Self -self -self -self -self -department and the Green Department of the Municipality of Heraklion MUNICIPALITY OF HERAKLION CRETE Supply of Vehicles of the Maintenance and Self -self -self -self -self -department and the Green Department of the Municipality of Heraklion Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Supply of vehicles of the maintenance and self -esteem and the Green Department of the Municipality of Heraklion Contract No. : 1 Reference Number: 46857/2021 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 400848.00 - EUR Description: Supply of species: 1. tractor-tractor (tug-offered vehicle), 2. Diplokampian semi-truck Pick-up 4x4, 3. Landfill Electrician Workshop, 5. Closed Truck Small (van) with additional equipment for the 2nd Electrician Workshop, 6. Closed Truck Small (van) with additional equipment for the 1st Plumbing Workshop, 7. Closed truck small (van) with additional equipment for the 2nd Plumbing Workshop, 8. Closed Medium (van) truck with additional equipment for the blacksmiths. 9. Truck Turnover 6.5 in the 6.5, 10. Truck Tables 33 33.11. Truck down with a 6.5 sq. 34133000 - Articulated Trucks 34138000 - Road Tractor Units 34144200 - Vehicles for the Emergency S ... Greece Contract value : 400,848.00 EUR Contractors : BROTHERS SARAKAKI ANONYMAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AND SHIPPING COMPANY, VENERIS EMM. ANONYMAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL TOURISM HOTEL - INSURANCE SERVICES COMPANY, HELLENIC INDUSTRY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 06/09/2022 20/09/2022 01/01/1900 78637374 20/09/2022 MUNICIPALITY OF HERAKLION CRETE Address : ADDRESS: AGIOU TITOW 1 Town: Heraklion NUTS-CODE: EL431 - Heraklion / Irakleio Postal Code: 71202 CONTACT POINT: MUNICIPALITY OF IRAKLIOU SECTION SUPPLIES Phone: +30 2813409185-186-189-403-468-428-468 Fax: +30 2810229207 Greece Greece Contract Awards Greece 06/09/2022 01/01/1900 400,848.00 EUR
Industrial Truck Plumbing Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential Machinery Truck Commercial Plumbing Truck
Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... System, storage and content management software package Sections Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Vans Forklift trucks, works trucks, railway-station platforms tractors Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads System, storage and content management software development services Parts of other vehicles Other services Parts of works trucks Tables Works trucks Pick-ups Postal orders Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases
Awards Hotels Equipment cases Tables Hotel rooms Case making services IP phones Side table Coffee, green Table saw Clinical laboratory and toxicology testing systems, components, and supplies Clinical laboratory and toxicology testing systems, components, and supplies
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Defence and Security Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
400,848.00 EUR
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