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Type Projects quick Wins - Works to Eliminate Speed Restrictions to Restore the Technical Parameters of the Area - Srcf Cluj - 2 Lots - Line Cf 328 Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Type Projects quick Wins - Works to Eliminate Speed Restrictions to Restore the Technical Parameters of the Area - Srcf Cluj - 2 Lots - Line Cf 328 C.N.C.F. ,, C.F.R. S.A. - REGIONAL BRANCH C.F. CLUJ - OPERATIONAL UNIT Type Projects quick Wins - Works to Eliminate Speed Restrictions to Restore the Technical Parameters of the Area - Srcf Cluj - 2 Lots - Line Cf 328 Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Type projects Quick Wins - works to eliminate speed restrictions to restore the technical parameters of the area - SRCF Cluj - 2 lots - line CF 328 Contract No.: 433 Reference Number: 48/AS/217/10.05.2022 Type Contract: Works Estimated Value: 34512515.28 - Ron Description: By purchasing these works, it is established as an objective, the replacement of the component elements of the path superstructure and the realization of the path without joans, having the result, bringing the line in the parameters necessary to ensure the traffic safety and avoid the introduction of speed restrictions. br By executing the works provided in the specifications, the increase of the volume of transport is forecast, with tendencies of socio-economic development of the areas, having a significant impact. br The benefits anticipated by the purchase / beneficiary by purchasing this work are aimed at: • improving the safety of railway traffic on the railway network; br • Elimination of speed limits and restrictions and avoiding the introduction of new • Elimination of costs owed res ... Romania Contract value : 34,512,515.28 RON Contractors : DRUM ASPHALT, ZUE 07/12/2022 14/01/2023 01/01/1900 78975870 14/01/2023 C.N.C.F. ,, C.F.R. S.A. - REGIONAL BRANCH C.F. CLUJ - OPERATIONAL UNIT Address : Address: Street: Avram Iancu Square, no. 17 Town: Cluj-Napoca Nuts -code: RO114 - Maramures Postal Code: 400117 Contact Point: Viorica Baziliu Phone: +40 264439091 Fax: +40 26439091 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 07/12/2022 01/01/1900 34,512,515.28 RON
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Contract Value
34,512,515.28 RON
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