Contract Details

Sdn Constanta, Lot 2: Sdn Slobozia, Lot 3: Sdn Braila, Lot 4: Sdn Calarasi, Lot 5 A2 - Drdp Constanta (romania-constan?a: Highway Maintenance Work) Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Sdn Constanta, Lot 2: Sdn Slobozia, Lot 3: Sdn Braila, Lot 4: Sdn Calarasi, Lot 5 A2 - Drdp Constanta (romania-constan?a: Highway Maintenance Work) Compania Na?ionala De Administrare A Infrastructurii Rutiere S.A. Prin D.R.D.P. Constan?a Contact Point(S): Serviciul Achizi?ii For The Attention Of: Chirica Teodora 900716 Constan?a Romania Telephone: +40 241581147 E-Mail: Drdpc Sdn Constanta, Lot 2: Sdn Slobozia, Lot 3: Sdn Braila, Lot 4: Sdn Calarasi, Lot 5 A2 - Drdp Constanta (romania-constan?a: Highway Maintenance Work) Contract award notice: Periodic road maintenance works - very thin road layers, Lot 1: Sdn constanta, Lot 2: Sdn slobozia, Lot 3: Sdn braila, Lot 4: Sdn calarasi, Lot 5 a2 - drdp constanta the warranty for very thin road works is 24 months. The contracting authority will respond clearly and specifically to all clarification requests, 10 days before the date of submission of the bids. The number of days until which clarifications can be requested before the closing date for submission of tenders / applications is 15 days. Total final value of contract(s): Value: 38 425 224,52 ron excluding vat date of contract award: 2.10.2018 number of offers received: 3 Romania Contract value : See in details Contractors : ROADMAX CONSTRUCT S.R.L. See in details 09/10/2018 09/01/2019 11721622 09/10/2018 Compania Na?ionala De Administrare A Infrastructurii Rutiere S.A. Prin D.R.D.P. Constan?a Contact Point(S): Serviciul Achizi?ii For The Attention Of: Chirica Teodora 900716 Constan?a Romania Telephone: +40 241581147 E-Mail: Drdpc Address : Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 440260-2018 See in details 09/01/2019 See in details
Highway Highway Highway
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Dates Highway maintenance work
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Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Roads and Highways-Bridge Printing and Publishing Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Industry Aviation
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