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Entrustment of the School and Extracurricular Assistance Service for the Autonomy and Communication of Disabled People Attending the First and Second Grade Schools of the Municipality of Teramo Italy

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Contract Award's Details : Entrustment of the School and Extracurricular Assistance Service for the Autonomy and Communication of Disabled People Attending the First and Second Grade Schools of the Municipality of Teramo MUNICIPALITY OF TERAMO Open Procedure for Awarding the Five-year Supply of Automated Analytical Systems for Various Diagnostic Lines Divided Into Three Lots Document Type: Contract award notice Title: Open procedure for the awarding of the five-year supply of automated analytical systems for different diagnostic lines divided into three lots Contract No.: 2 Reference Number: 2020 / S 207-502513 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 337585.50 - EUR Description: Open procedure to be carried out using the Sardegnacat telematic platform, pursuant to articles 58 and 60 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016, for the assignment of the five-year supply, in service regime, of automated analytical systems for different diagnostic lines, divided into three lots: - lot 1: ESR dosage, - lot 2: search for hemoglobin in faeces (so), - lot 3 dosage of calprotectin in faeces, for the needs of the SC of clinical pathology of the university hospital of Sassari. Auction base amount in the five-year period: 509 335.00 EUR (of which 4 335.00 EUR for safety charges, not subject to discount), plus VAT to the extent required by law. 33124110 - Diagnostic systems Authority Type: Regional or local authority Type of Procedure: Open proced ... Italy Contract value : 1,200,000.00 EUR Contractors : COOP.VA SOCIAL FILADELFIA, NEW SOCIAL HORIZONS COOP. SOCIAL ARL 23/09/2020 26/11/2020 See in details 76924063 25/11/2020 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF SASSARI Address : Address: Viale San Pietro 10, Palazzo Bompiani Town: Sassari NUTS-Code: ITC33 - Genoa Postal Code: 07100 Phone: +39 0792645758 Italy Italy Contract Awards Italy 16/09/2020 See in details 337,585.50 EUR
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Contract Value
337,585.50 EUR
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