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Parket Work in the Architectural Monument, Energetic Renovation Main Building Catholic Hauptschule Im Hederichsfeld, 51379 Leverkusen Germany

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Contract Award's Details : Parket Work in the Architectural Monument, Energetic Renovation Main Building Catholic Hauptschule Im Hederichsfeld, 51379 Leverkusen CITY LEVERKUSEN - DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ECONOMICS Parket Work in the Architectural Monument, Energetic Renovation Main Building Catholic Hauptschule Im Hederichsfeld, 51379 Leverkusen Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Parking work in the architectural monument, Energetic renovation main building Catholic Hauptschule im Hederichsfeld, 51379 Leverkusen Contract no. : 6500080636 Reference Number: 112-2021 Contract Type: Works Estimated Value: 30994.25 - EUR Description: Construction description: Grade-protected school building, small parts, defined building Mostly 2-storey brick masonry construction with reinforced concrete and renovated, restricted load-bearing hollow ceilings, partial cellar, with supplied, expanded mantard roof chair with multiple usage adjustments and refurbishment measures in the last century. Basic stone 1913. Net floor area: total 4,250 m², eg 1,500 m² Net room capacity: 16,000 m³ A detailed measures can be found in the publication. Parking work in the architectural monument Type and scope of performance: The services specified in the list of services are essentially the following measures: CIRCA 225 m2 Delivery and laying of oak high-edge paint parquet, thick 10 mm About 245 m2 Delivery and Laying V ... Germany Contract value : 30,994.25 EUR Contractors : BEMBÉ PARQUET GMBH & CO. KG 10/01/2022 31/01/2022 01/01/1900 78053752 31/01/2022 CITY LEVERKUSEN - DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ECONOMICS Address : Address : Hauptstr. 101 Town : Leverkusen NUTS-Code : DE71E - Wetteraukreis Postal Code : 51373 Germany Germany Contract Awards Germany 10/01/2022 01/01/1900 30,994.25 EUR
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Contract Value
30,994.25 EUR
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