Contract Details

Cleaning Services Smedby Sweden

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Contract Award's Details : Cleaning Services Smedby Kommunalförbundet Fjärde Storstadsregionen 222000-2527 Slottsgatan 118 Norrköping 602 22 Sweden Contact person: Liselotte Simonsson Telephone: +46 13-262745 E-mail: Intervention Lab To The X-ray Department (sweden-östersund: X-ray Devices) Contract award notice: Intervention lab to the x-ray department (sweden-östersund: X-ray devices) : Region jämtland härjedalen intends to procure a new intervention lab for the x-ray department. The equipment should handle endovascular treatment of vessel changes in, For example, Abdomen, Pelvis, Leg and arms such as pta, Stent / stent graft treatment, Evar and embolization. It will also be able to conduct investigations such as myelographs, Liver and biliary interventions, Urological interventions and oncological interventions as well as pacemaker intervention. The equipment will serve as a backup for pci lab as well as complete combined open and endovascular (hybrid) surgery. For both patients and affected personnel, Low radiation doses are of great importance. The system should also have a good user friendliness. Since this equipment will be in operation at the hospital for several years, A system based on modern technology is desired. Date of contract award: 04/12/2018 v.2.2) information about tenders number of bids received: 3 the contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No v.2.3) the contractor~s name and address siemens healthcare ab 556157-2636 box 3120 solna 169 03 sweden phone: +46 8-7307000 e-mail: utility code: Se the contractor is a small or medium-sized company: Yes v.2.4) information about the value of the contract / the lot (excl. Vat) total contract value: 10 700 000.00 sek v.2.5) information about subcontracting section vi: Complementary information vi.3) additional information: Vi.4) review procedures vi.4.1) competent body for review administrative court in härnösand box 314 harnosand 871 27 sweden phone: +46 611-460600 e-mail: fax: +46 611-511820 internet address: Http:// vi.4.2) competent body for mediation vi.4.3) oversight vi.4.4) bodies that may provide information on review vi.5) date of dispatch of the notice: 02/07/2018 × direct links html pdf pdfs xml close summary sweden-östersund: X-ray devices 2018 / s 125-284964 contract award notice resultaten van de procurement procedure supplies legal basis: Directive 2014/24 / eu section i: Contracting authority i.1) name and addresses region jämtland härjedalen 232100-0214 box 654 ostersund 831 27 sweden telephone: +46 63-147144 e-mail: nuts code: Se internet address (es): Main address: Http:// i.5) main activity health section ii: Object ii.1) scope of the procurement ii.1.1) title: Intervention lab to the x-ray department reference number: Rs / 246/2018 ii.1.2) main cpv code 33111000 ii.1.3) type of contract supplies ii.1.6) information about lots this contract is divided into lots: No ii.1.7) total value of the procurement (excluding vat) value excluding vat: 10,000,000.00 sek ii.2) description ii.2.1) t Sweden Contract value : 1,841,750.00 SEK Contractors : STÄDSE AB See in details 03/07/2018 03/10/2018 11136090 04/07/2018 Region Jämtland Härjedalen 232100-0214 Box 654 Östersund 831 27 Sweden Telephone: +46 63-147144 E-mail: NUTS code: SE Address : Sweden Sweden Contract Awards Sweden 284964-2018 See in details 03/10/2018 10,700,000.00 SEK
Other Direct Insurance (except Life Bolt Regulation and Administration of Communications Turned Product and Screw Machinery Direct Insurance (except Life Investigation Regulation and Administration of Communications Direct Life Courts Courts Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw Small Arms Metal Can
Goods vessels System, storage and content management software package Mains Nuts Sections Pacemaker Vans System, storage and content management software development services Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery Boxes Vats Other services X-ray devices Dates
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Contract Value
10,700,000.00 SEK
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