Contract Details

The Provision of the Service for the Recording, Edition and Postproduction of Videos of the Concerts Carried out by the Adda Simfònica Orchestra that Are Carried out in the Auditorium of the Diputación De Alicant ... Spain

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Contract Award's Details : The Provision of the Service for the Recording, Edition and Postproduction of Videos of the Concerts Carried out by the Adda Simfònica Orchestra that Are Carried out in the Auditorium of the Diputación De Alicant ... VICE PRESIDENT OF THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY AUDITORIUM OF THE DIPUTACIÓN DE ALICANTE ADDA Framework Agreement for the Supply of Products, Instrumental and Laboratory Equipment and Clinics and Associated Services Necessary for Teaching and Research at the Complutense University Document Type: Contract Award Notice Title: Framework Agreement for the supply of products, instruments and laboratory equipment and clinics and associated services necessary for teaching and research at the Complutense University Contract No.: AM 01/2022-1 Reference Number: AM 01/2022 Contract Type: Supplies Estimated Value: 31830000.00 - EUR Description: Framework Agreement for the supply of products, instruments and laboratory equipment and clinics and associated services necessary for teaching and research at the Complutense University of Madrid and in the General Foundation of the Complutense University of Madrid. 24000000 - Chemical Products 33000000 - Medical Equipments, Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products 38000000 - Laboratory, Optical and Precision Equipments (Excl. Glasses) 31000000 - Machinery Electrical, Aparatus, Equipment and Consumable; Lighting 85200000 - VETERINARY SERVICES 37800000 - HSENDENDE and ART SUPPLIES 35100000 - Emergency and Security Equipment 42000000 - Machinery Industrial 39000000 - Furniture (incl. Office Furniture), Furnishings, do ... Spain Contract value : 190,450.00 EUR Contractors : IGOR STUDIO S.L. 07/07/2023 15/07/2023 01/01/1900 79589391 15/07/2023 COMPLUTENSE UNIVERSITY OF MADRID Address : Address: Avenida Seneca, 2, University City Town: Madrid NUTS-CODE: en - Spain Postcard Code: 28040 Phone: +34 913943368 Fax: +34 913943377 Spain Spain Contract Awards Spain 23/06/2023 01/01/1900 31,830,000.00 EUR
Arts Veterinary Services Other Foundation Other Foundation Furniture Securities Machinery Medical Commercial Colleges Colleges Colleges Foundation Photographic Film Medical
Glass Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts Foundation work Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses) Security equipment Medical equipments Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products Postcards Furniture Office, school and office equipment cleaning services Records Research, testing and scientific technical simulator Parts of furniture Other community, social and personal services Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning pr... Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware Other services Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment Postcards, greeting cards and other printed matter Works of art
Europe Southern Europe Western Europe
Chemicals Environment and Pollution-Recycling Furniture Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Human Resource-HR Security Services Light and Lighting Products Postal and Courier Services Environmental Work Printing and Publishing Services Machinery and Equipments-M&E Defence and Security Electricity Construction Agriculture-Food and Beverages Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Industry Pharmaceuticals Laboratory Equipment and Services Electronics Marine
Contract Value
31,830,000.00 EUR
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