Contract Details

Current Maintenance Works - Maintenance of the Carriageway, Lands, Emergency Bands and Framing Bands - Drdp -constanta - Sdn Slobozia - Framework Agreement 4 Years Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Current Maintenance Works - Maintenance of the Carriageway, Lands, Emergency Bands and Framing Bands - Drdp -constanta - Sdn Slobozia - Framework Agreement 4 Years THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. Current Maintenance Works - Maintenance of the Carriageway, Lands, Emergency Bands and Framing Bands - Drdp -constanta - Sdn Slobozia - Framework Agreement 4 Years Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Current maintenance works - maintenance of the road, lands, emergency bands and framing bands - DRDP -Constanta - SDN Slobozia - Frame 4 years Contract No.: 1/76/25036 Reference Number: 16054368/2022/4061/S1 Type Contract: Works Estimated Value: 22333797.04 - Ron Description: Framework agreement 4 years - current maintenance works - maintenance of the road, lands, emergency bands and framing bands - DRDP -Constanta - SDN Slobozia. br The minimum and maximum quantities related to the framework agreement as well as the minimum and maximum estimated quantities related to a subsequent contract are found as annexes to the award documentation/specifications. br The frequency and value of the contracts to be awarded: minimum 1 subsequent contract. br br 45233139 - Highway Maintenance Work Authority Type: Body Governed by Public Law Type of Procedure: Open Procedure Regular: European Union BID TYPE: Not Applicable Doc Title: Highway Maintenance Work Dispatch data: 2023-06-16 PUBLISH DATA: 2023-06-21 Romania Contract value : 22,333,797.04 RON Contractors : OYL COMPANY HOLDING AG S.R.L. 15/06/2023 22/06/2023 01/01/1900 79413959 22/06/2023 THE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR MANAGEMENT OF ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE S.A. Address : Address: Nr. 38 Town: Bucuresti NUTS-CODE: RO321 - Bucharest Postal Code: 010873 Contact Point: Directorate of public procurement Department of procurement state budget and own income in the attention: Mrs. BARBULESCU IOANA SILVIA - SEF DEPARTMENT Acquisitions State Budget and Own Revenue Phone: +40 212643312 Fax: +40 212643417 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 15/06/2023 01/01/1900 22,333,797.04 RON
Justice Justice Highway Other Justice Highway Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Highway Management Other Justice
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and ra... Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads Frames Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths Construction work for highways, roads Rings, seals, bands, sticks and grout packers Postal orders Highway maintenance work
Eastern Europe Europe
Automobiles and Auto Parts Supply Postal and Courier Services Roads and Highways-Bridge Law and Legal Railways-Rail-Railroad Electricity Construction Energy-Power and Electrical Computer Hardwares and Consumables Steel Marine
Contract Value
22,333,797.04 RON
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